
I really really want to be home schooled?

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okay i REALLY rlly rllywant to be homes schooled like from on the computer, my mom won't let me but its like my dream, do u know any way to convince her or tell her that its gud?? PLZ HELP!!




  1. Why do you want to be homeschooled? Do you feel that you're not learning? Are you being bullied -- and teachers won't stop it? Is the work to easy or too difficult? Or did you have a fight with your best friend and now you don't want to go to school, or maybe you just don't like waking up early?

    The most important thing about making a major change like this is WHY you want to. Talk to your mom about your reasons for wanting to be homeschooled, not just your desire. If you talk to her in a serious way about your reasons, she may change her mind. Even if she doesn't, she may have ideas about how to make school work for you. She can help you talk to your teachers and principal about problems you are having or maybe you could go to a different school. But talk to her about the problem and maybe you will be able to find a solution together.

  2. If your mom does not work, then she has absolutely no reason to say no and you can print this out and show it to her. But, you have to sign a contract agreeing that you will start and stop schoolwork when told and that you will not argue, whine or complain and if you do you will be sent to an all girls strict school that makes you wear uniforms and march between classes and stuff. All school working materials are provided and there is help among all the parents in your area home schooling and if your mom has trouble in math - another parent will help with that. If you mom works - then forget it.

  3. You need to be around kids your own age and learn to get along with them.  That's at least as important to your education as math and reading.  I'm with your mom on this one.  Although many learn better that way, homeschooled kids can be really odd because they spend too much time alone or with their family.

  4. Well: this is very Important to know about At Home Schooling

    as learning Basic Education & Reference also it will help

    you today of course the online sources Are  these


    1 Mathematics

    2 History

    3 Science

    4 Geography

      5 English

  5. I am with your moms opinion on this. Physically going to school might mean that you have to deal with drama, and get up early, but think of all the good it is. You make friends, have a social life, learn from real teachers, meet BOYS. haha. Well, yeah. Maybe take an online collage course when that time comes.

  6. Find out as much information as you can about homeschooling.  Write down your reasons for wanting to homeschool and how you feel it will help you.  Research some curriculum options and make a schedule of how you will complete your work.  Then sit down with your mom and see if she will be willing to consider it.  If not, then you will have to go to school and make the best of it.

    Here's some information that may help:

  7. you can always get flyers and give them to her also let her know about the co ed restroom law that was passed. If a boy is confused with his sexuality he can enter the girls restroom visversa with a girl. it is now in effect since 1/1/08

  8. Wow.. I really want to go US-like schools..

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