
I really screwed up. Can someone PLEASE help me??

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Ok. I feel so bad about this and I don't know what to do. About 2 1/2 months ago I got mad at my mom about something, and I wrote that I hated her in a notebook. I never meant it at all, I was just being a baby and I was mad. She came in my room today to look for a phone number so she could call me and see when I wanted to come home, and instead she found that nasty letter. It really hurt her feelings and know she thinks I really do hate her. She won't talk to me, and is being mean to me like I was mean to her. I feel so bad, but I don't know what to do. Please help me.




  1. Tell her what you just told us, and sincerely apologize for what you said.   Take responsibility for your mistake, and tell her how you feel today.

  2. Well by the sounds of it your mom is also being a bit of a baby. but all you can really do is show her that you do not mean it, if she doesnt want to listen to you then show her. A card is a good way you can find some really nice cards that say what it may be to hard to say to her yourself in person. Treat her the right way and do not retaliate in the same way that she does. Good luck I am sure it will all work out, nothing is more precious than a mothers love.

  3. If shez not talking to you, heres a sweet idea to try to make things better: Write another letter apologizing to her and write all the things you love about her. Then purposely leave it somewhere where she'll find it.  

  4. i agrre

  5. write another letter to her and explain just what you said to all of us, teenagers are supposed to act horrid at times let her know some of the things that you really love about her, that she makes you feel safe, that she always know what you like anything special that she does for you etc her feelings are hurt, yours would be to give her time and a hug

  6. ok...just start doing stuff for her..likke wake up extra early make her breakfast...give her a hug write her a letter saying tht u love her and u didnt mean u hated her in a bad way.

  7. tell her your sorry thats all u can do shes your mom she has to forgive u....

  8. Go patch it up...tell her you are sorry and messed up. Tell her you love her and say just what you did here..."was just being a baby and I was mad"...

  9. make it up to her but not by just saying sorry all the time! Tell her that your going to make it up to her somehow, maybe do good in school and ace a test or clean up your room a bit or maybe do some chores to help her around the house. She'll finally understand that your trying hard to impress her and it was all a mistake.

    Best of luck xx

  10. Dont worry, Give it some time

    Find something you both enjoy doing [dont think bad! lol]

    and ask her to join, or for homework help

    just start being nice like nothing happend and if she says that u hate her and stuff and discussions just tell her that she is being a big [something] and if she would want your relationship to be good she would'v talked with you about this..


    Hope i helped and Good luck!

  11. write her a letter/ email and tell her exactly what you just told me

  12. tell her you wrote that when u were mad and that u so didn't mean it!

  13. heya, best thing to do is talk to her about it. it will be awkward. but be honest. tell her what you just said- you never meant it at all,you were just being a baby and you were mad. just let her know you let your anger get away with you, and how terrible you are feeling, and that you could have handled it better. learning from this will make you a better person when faced with this situation again. everyone gets mad and tends to hurt those closest without meaning to. its what you do now that will strengthen your bond tween you and your ma. you love each other, so work on good times, communicate and be honest to yourself and to others. good luck.  

  14. Steve C is spot on - go with his advice

  15. I am a mom of two and I can't tell you how many times I have found "I hate Mom!!!!!" notes all over my daughters room.  It's ok, I assure you.  You are entitled to your age which I am assuming is someone younger than 25 years old.  Even then it would be ok.  We all feel hateful to family members at one time or another.  It is shocking at first for a mom to hear these words but after a while they realize that it's just an emotional teen or p*****n being normal and reacting to parental discipline.  As parents we probably wouldn't be doing our job if you didn't hate us once in a while.  I should hope that your mom will get over this.  She really should set an example by not being mean to you.  All you can do is apologize again, always speak respectfully,offer to help her with chores, or tell her that you love her and explain what you were feeling that day you wrote it.  Just by being a mom she should know that you didn't mean it.  Open up the discussion to her and she may learn something too.  You must be a nice girl to feel genuinely sorry about it.

  16. She's being foolish.  All kids think they hate their mothers when they're mad and they don't mean it.  Just tell her you were mad at her when you wrote it and that you didn't really mean it....then leave it alone.  If she chooses to not understand then it's ridiculous.  Forgive's a natural way to feel.

    BTW...she wasn't looking for a number, she was poking through your stuff.  Don't let her kid you.  I'm a mother and I "looked for phone numbers" before too.

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