
I really think I'm going to cry need some kind of help.?

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My periods used to be 32 days long.This is my first period after a miscarriage in June. It started July 13-17 my ovulation tests came up positive the 28th of July-1st of August.We are trying to conceive again and my ovulation calculater said that with a 32 day cycle I would be fertile the same time the tests came up positive. But my periods before I bled 4-5 days ovulation was around day 12-14 and my period came around 18 days later (including ovulation time) Well this cycle I bled around 6 days and ovulation was around cycle day 17-19 and I am in cycle day 37 with no period yet and negative pregnancy test on the 16th.

I have been having lots and lots of increased CM, head aches, really tired, feeling restless, being more hungry but feel like I am going to gag when eating, dizzyness, swollen tender b*****s,achy body, really irritable.

I am so upset I have no idea if my period is late b/c I dont know my new cycle, I didnt think this would be a problem.

Its one thing to get a negative pregnancy test after trying but then not getting your period to try again is another.

I know I should probably go to the doctor but I have a feeling all they will do is take blood for a pregnancy test and tell me to go home they will call with results when I am here thinking if I was pregnant would a HPT be able to tell me already?

What will they do if I am not pregnant I havent been trying to get pregnant very long but I am scared my period wont come and I wont be able to try and they will try to put me on birth control to regulate them.

the thing that is confusing me is I KNOW I OVULATED why is nothing happening??

They say luteal phases should be 14-16 days. Mine is almost at 20 with nothing.

What do you all think??




  1. I know how you are feeling!  I was going to start trying for a baby this month, as soon as I started my period I was going to start charting again.  I had been having 33 day periods for a few months (It took a while because I am still breastfeeding) and thought  it was time.  I went ahead last cycle and started taking ovulation tests to get an idea of when I was ovulating, so I KNOW I ovulated.  I am now on cycle day 56 and 36 DPO and still have not started and have had 3 negative HPT's.  I am calling my doc on day 60.  I know he will just tell me it is because I am nursing, but I have to try.  If I were you, I wouldn't let them put you on the pill.  They can give you something else to bring on your cycle, but I would tell them that you will not take it without and ultrasound first.  (I have heard too many times when they did a p test and it came back neg and put them on that stuff and it turns out they WERE pregnant after all!)  Anyway, just know you are NOT alone in your misery!

  2. I think you should see a doctor for a beta hcg (blood pregnancy test). Prolonged luteal phase can mean pregnancy.  Your system might be a little screwy due to the miscarriage, although you don't say how far along  you were.  Don't worry about having to go on the pill or that you wont get your period. Your body WILL get back to normal so don't think like that....

    Second, I think you should start charting your fertility so you can "take charge" of your situation. Charting is the only way to KNOW FOR SURE exactly when and if you are ovulating.  It is cheap and easy once you get the hang of it. Even better, just charting alone can confirm pregnancy (if you get 18 or more elevated temperatures above the coverline after you ovulate).  

    To do fertility charting,  you just take your temperature every morning using a digital  basal body thermometer and chart the results on special fertilty charts. You can download one from or better yet, use

    good luck & baby dust!

  3. You need to get a blood test your HPT might be really low and not showing up on the pee tests. If sounds like you might be pregnant but I am not a doctor. I wish you all the best!!!!

  4. You are exhibiting signs and symptoms of pregnancy, so there is a good chance you can be.

    The reason why you might be showing a negative test is because the hormone (hCG) might not be high enough yet to be registered as a positive.

    Don't worry yourself princess, the more stressed you get, the increased chances you will have of miscarrying - especially since you have just had one.

    It is hard when you are trying to concieve to be patient for your cycle to begin, but you have to allow yourself some time for your body to recover and do "its thing".

    Take a nice bath to relax you and wait a few more days to take a test again.  If wanting a quicker result, take the blood test because then at least you will know if your are pregnant or not

  5. Well I don't really have any "answers" per say but I can tell you what happened to me. About a year ago I found out I was pregnant and it really came out of left field. I totally had, what I thought, was just the typical period symptoms. Bloating, I was tired A LOT, and my breast were a little more tender than normal. Anyways, I took a home PT on a Friday and it was positive. By the end of the weekend I think I took a total of 10 cause I didn't believe it. By the next Friday, when I could get in with my Doc, the blood test showed I was pregnant but it would more than likely result in a miscarriage.

    I was totally torn cause I really didn't have that much time to get excited but yet I was a total wreck when the doc told me that my HCG levels were'nt where they should be for that time. Sure enough within a few days, I miscarried.

    For almost four months after that I did NOT have a period and I probably put on ten pounds of water. I could not figure out what was going on with my body but I knew I was a total mess!!!!!

    It took my body a few months to get back on schedule but I let it do that all on its own. I tried not to concentrate so much on everything my body and mind went through. I would start keeping a record of everything your body does.....when you bleed, how long, s*x, EVERYTHING. I think then you will see a cycle of some sort that your body is trying to get back to.

    I just posted a question up myself the other day because I had s*x during my most fertile time this month( with help from a ovulation calendar from and now I'm spotting. I went to the doc today and find out tomorrow if I'm pregnant. I really think its all in God's plan and if tomorrow he says no then I will be sad but I know, for some reason, now is not the time. If so, I will be terrified that It will result in another miscarriage. Its so hard after you go through that!!

    I probably didn't help you out at all but I just thought hearing someone elses story might help you. Thats what works for me. Good luck to you!

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