
I really wanna be an actress ans like a singer but sometimes im scared to get out of my shell u know?

by  |  earlier

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please if u can give me some links help me out chow!




  1. I'm kind of the same. When I'm around someone I never can come out of my shell. Like if you go for an audition, your nervous and afriad and sometimes you might mess up...but you need to be confident. The key is confidence. Just tell yourself that your an amazing singer or actress. It helps me.

    If you want to find an easier way to open up, try getting singing lessons either private or group. It will help you sing in front of others. Also Impro could work too. I know Improv has helped tons of people.

    Good luck!

  2. How old are you?

    If you are still in school then you need to get involved with theater.  Even if you are not quite brave enough to step out on the stage, you can help out a million other ways.

  3. practice practice practice. tell your family and close friends your dream. they can help guide you. practice in front of them first...once you feel comfortable with them, join choir or theatre, get on that stage and you'll have a blast. be in your element.

    you can never make it as a singer/actress if you have stage fright. I'm sorry but thats reality. you just need to let loose one day. take people by surprise.

    if your truly truly serious about becoming a serious actress or singer...sign up for acting classes...take voice lessons.

    i have been taking voice lessons for over 7 years now and i'm a vocally trained singer. I'm following my dream and after i graduate this year from high school, i'm moving to california to go to a performing arts academy. you need to get trained before you can make it big.

    after that you can look towards agents and so on. I'm not gonna give you the whole spiel yet about agents and what to look for in them yet until your able to get in front of a crowd of people and bust out a tune or get on stage and act.

    most importantly be original. unique is key.

  4. Go to:

    It will help you.

  5. same i wanna be an actress and a model and maybe a singer, and im loud and outgoing with people like my family and friends, but when i go to auditions, i get shy. i recently was one of ten picked at an audition, but was required to take more expensive classes becuz i was too shy. tho they did tell me to come back next year. im really going to try to be less shy. sorry this isn't really an answer, but i just wanted to share.

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