
I really wanna go to a counsellor, but im too embarrassed.?

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Im 14.. I can't ask my mum, and I don't wanna go to the school counsellor cause I don't want my friends knowing..I also feel like the biggest loser calling those help lines and stuff! do I have any other options?




  1. im right there with you. the only option is going to the school counselor because that's the only way you are going to be able to talk. you just have to be careful about what you say. certain things they have to report, like are you hurting yourself, are you hurting others, or is someone hurting you. it is embarassing, but just give it a try.

  2. You should not be embarrassed ! The first step is to admit to your self that you want to see someone. Everyone would benefit at some time in their lives from some therapy. We cannot always handle every thing on our own and there is nothing wrong with reaching out. Talk to you mum. Or ask to see your doctor and explain it to him or her.

  3. Online therapy is available via & &

    Try the following: and and

  4. Sweetie don't be embarrassed.  The counselor will keep anything you have to say confidential.  Listen, I went to a counselor when I was going through a rough time, and I am a counselor.  It's often difficult to treat yourself.  I felt I needed to talk to someone who would be subjective, and I just needed to talk with someone and express my emotions.  It really helped a great deal.  Tell the counselor that you are afraid of people finding out.  She should ease your fears on that.  Besides, most people are embarrassed at first, so it won't be anything new to her.  Good luck.  The hardest part is making the first appointment.  <hugs>

  5. You might need to talk to your parent about this because a mental health professional will most likely need parental consent to treat you legally...Good Luck!!!

  6. Even though it may seem scary, counselors can be very helpful! Perhaps an option may be to email your school counselor to see if he/she would be willing to help you before or after school, depending upon your schedule; or they may have be willing to correspond through email and cell phone. Eventually; though, I would encourage you to try to talk to your mother. Perhaps the school counselor can help you out with that as well. You aren't a loser, in fact far from it! Trying to find help is a very big step for anyone, and it proves you are a very intelligent 14 year old .Good luck and hang in there.

  7. If you don't tell them, they won't know.

  8. I would just go to the counceler. GO after school if you really want to. If anyone asks jus ttell them you are having some problems. They might laugh but who cares you need to obviously talk about something.

    If I were you, I would talk about your problems with a close friend.

  9. You don't want to ask mom for advice to a solution or ask her to take you to conseling ? Moms are supposed to be your best freinds ,, please talk with her about what you need and ask her to take you to conseling.Is there maybe a teacher that could make a suggestion to your mom by writing a letter and telling her you asked for help ?

  10. Please dont be ashamed to reach out for help. You should go see your school counsler and ask her to keep everything private. They will help you and care about your problems. Never be ashamed to reach out for help. I will pray for you. Godbless

  11. I go to counselling- it took me 4 years to get up the courage and I am 20!!!  But once I did it , it was like no big deal!!!

    I agree, you should go to your family doctor (you do not have to tell your mom what you are going for or anything if you dont want to- but eventually I think she would like to know and would be supportive) and then you can tell them the whole thing, they will refer you to a counseller, and give you advice on how to tell your mom and most of the time they can get you a free counseller if you want so bonus, also everything is confidential, doctors, counsellers will NEVER tell your parents or anyone else what you said, its totally safe.  Good luck hope it helps you!

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