
I really wanna make money because i don't get an allowence yet...?

by Guest58799  |  earlier

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I want to make some money because when i go to the mall with friends,i'm the one who never has any cash on me because i don't have any allowence and i think i'm too young to have a job appart from babysitting,any ideas?,i'm 12 turning 13 and i live in an apartment building so i can't do like lemonade stands and stuff! plz help me with ideas to make MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ thanks!




  1. I just think you are too young to be worried about making money,s

  2. I didn't think any 12 year olds had money..

    I sure as h**l didn't.

    Your meant to be home playing with Barbies. Not skanking around the streets.  

  3. First of all, just incase you don't already know, 99% of "work from home" and "online job" websites are scams.  They require you to pay to work, which makes no sense, seeing as it's supposed to be the other way around.  Long lecture short, do not think for a second you can make money online at 12 years old.  Completely rule that option out, regardless of the spam responses you'll surely receive on here.

    Second, I completely understand how you feel regarding how much it sucks to be with friends that have money.  

    When I was your age, all of my friends had "allowances" (aka, they were spoiled) and would have plenty of money for them to buy clothes, food, and really whatever they wanted.  I did not have that, and it was incredibly irritating.  It really made me feel left out sometimes.

    Have you asked with your mom and/or dad to see if they'll give you any money for doing big chores (rather than just asking for money for no reason)?

    Money might be tight, but they might be willing to give you a little bit of money to take their time-consuming chores off of their hands.  You could ask about washing the dishes, sweeping/mopping the floor, organizing the kitchen cabinets, etc.  If you already do chores, step it up a notch.

    Since living in an apartment would make a yard sale difficult, you could see if your mom and/or dad would be willing to help you sell some of your belongings on the internet (ebay, craigslist.)  Even if you sell something for a couple bucks, if it's something you wouldn't have used, that's a profit!

    Again, it sucks to be the odd one out when everyone else is spoiled, but this type of thing only lasts another couple years.  Once you get a little older, everyone starts to become a little more responsible with money, and the mall-walking days start to diminish.

    Take care, sweety!  Enjoy your youth; take full advantage of not having bills/jobs/husbands.  =)

  4. I Was Searching Online, i reached a place and :Oh Yes!: the time has came that you can earn even 10,000$ wihtout having any website and the amazing thing is that this system is free to join and the condition is this,  that you can join more then one online money making programs 4 free and there you can also find Full Job List to increase your income within Seconds.(It depends on you that you want to work there for part time or full time 4 free)

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