
I really want a baby.. BUT

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend doesn't. I can't believe I'm about to say this but should I stop taking my pill?....

I know its selfish and a very silly idea...but I wanna know what you guys think?




  1. That would extremely selfish and just plain wrong.  How old are you and your boyfriend?  If he doesn't want a baby and you trick him into it, he's probably not going to be very supportive once you get pregnant.  Why would you want to be in that situation.  Babies aren't a game.

  2. You said it yourself. It's selfish and silly. If your boyfriend doesn't want a baby NOW what makes you think he's going to want one after finding out you deceived him and got pregnant by being sneaky? Doubt he'll stay around for that one.

    WAIT until you are BOTH ready for a baby.

  3. I wouldn't.  Unless you've been together for 10 years and have stable jobs and a home with room for a baby.  He may need a nudge.  If you haven't been together long or are very young, I really wouldn't try it.

  4. Don't be foolish.... a baby is a tough thing to handle alone.  If he's not ready, forget it for now.  There's lots of time.

  5. It is very hard to raise a child with both parents together, but let alone by yourself, which is possibly what you will be doing,  If he dont want children, maybe you shouldnt be dating him.  It also depends on your age...please dont rush into getting pregnant just because...dont be another statistic

  6. I wouldn't ever stop taking the pill to trap someone, that is the worse thing to do. You could either wait, maybe he's just not ready or you can move on and find another man who does want to have kids.  

  7. it is a bad idea, but strange things happen like getting pregnant while on the pill ;) x

    edit: if you think the baby dad will leave you, then dont do it, but would you even be thinking it if u thought he would. I'm 19 and my baby dad is sticking to me like glue x

  8. Yeah, stop taking it, get pregnant with a kid that your boyfriend dont want!! That should work, he will play a great role in the kids life!!!

    NO, thats just wrong. Dont try to trap him! You cant make someone want a kid!! It just turns out bad... for everyone, especially that kid!  

  9. please don't trick your boyfriend into being a father. that's just wrong. you can't force him to want something that you want. just imagine what your life would be like if you did. he would resent you, and possibly eventually resent the child. talk to him and ask him why he doesn't want a child. also, ask him if he ever wants children. good luck

  10. ask him to just do it with you and tell him your not ovulating, if he believes you and you get pregnant tell him you were mistaking

  11. If your boyfriend doesn't want a baby than don't go off the pill. I don't think it's right to trick him into having a child.  

  12. no no no. can you imagine having a father that doesnt want you? and when he finds out he will be pissed. big mistake you will regret it

  13. Dont do it, you know its wrong and unfair. You should want the best of everything for your child including a dad, stable home and family life. Not a dad that left because you tricked him into getting you pregnant and constant trips between parents homes or even growing up knowing his dad never wanted him.


  14. First off, you should be amrried or with your partner for a long time.  A baby needs a mother and father who will want it, and love it and care for it.  Tricking your bf into fathering your child is wrong and not fair to him or the child.  It is a horrible way to bring someone into the world.

    Now if you bf doesn't want a baby AT ALL...EVER, than you need to sit back and decide if he is the guy for you.  If it is the fact that he just doesn't want one now, than maybe it wouldn't hurt you to wait.  Start saving and preparing now so when that day comes (hopefully not tricked and lied into happening) yall will be happy and relaxed.

  15. If you really want a baby, you should maybe think about your relationship with your bf. Don't trick him into pregnancy if he doesn't want to be. You want to have a baby with someone that wants one and will be happy to live that experience with you.  

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