
I really want a baby but my boyfriend wants to wait! What should I do?

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Ok! I really want a baby. Me and my boyfriend knew each other for over a year now and now I think its time we get together and have a family. I really want a baby so bad, but my boyfriend wants to wait until we are like in our 30's!!! Omg I don't want to wait that long. I'm 14 now and want to do it while im still young.

How heres my question...

Do you think whenever we have s*x, should I poke a small hole in the comdom, that way when we do it. The sperm would come out??

Or do you think I should fake that I forgot to take my birth controll pills that way I can get pregrent??

What do you think??




  1. You are still a child.

    You claim to want a baby - how are you going to pay for all this?  The medical care, the formula, the baby clothes, the pram, the cot, the nappies, and all the other costs that go on and on and on and on.  Where will you live?

    I think you are just asking this question to appear grown up and "mature" but mature women don't vandalise contraceptives to trick their boyfriends into having babies.

    For goodness sake, you aren't even old enough to DRIVE.

    Finish high school and enjoy being a child for awhile.  

  2. Teenagers have no business being pregnant. 14 year olds can't support themselves, much less a child. Focus on your education before you play with another human being's future.

    OB/GYN RN & mom

  3. YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL!!! You are only 14 teen, think about that! You have no home of your own and you are not even at a legal working age. Come on kiddo their is no rush, listen to your boyfriend wait until your at least 27.  

  4. 14!  Here's some advice...go play with your friends, not boys!  

    You are still too young to have a baby.  I am 28 and just now feel like I can possibly handle the responsibility of that.  You need to have a steady income before you have a baby.  Finish school and make something of yourself...then settle down and have a family.  People respect you more when you do things the right way.  Enjoy your childhood please, no need to grow up sooooo fast.

  5. Please tell me you are just kidding!!  Who who want a baby before they have any life experiences to share with it??  Don't you want to be a good mom? You have to go to college, travel, work a few great jobs.  You have to have life experiences to share with your baby.  Not to mention you want your baby to have nice clothes and toys.  Have great health insurance all that good stuff that any baby should have.  Don't hurry this up your "baby to be" deserves the best so make sure you are able to do all that is detailed!

  6. Honey, youre a child! You cant have a child yourself! that wont work.

    You shouldnt even be having s*x at 14 ... I agree with your boyifriend wait til you are done school and settled down  

  7. he's correct .. if u had s*x now you may die at the time of your baby's birth... so becareful

  8. Well..If poking holes in a condom is a way to get what you want CAREFUL you may get more than you bargained for like AIDS/HIV and other STDS. Baby, you can not even spell well. At least finish High School and get a job to support this "baby ambition"  

  9. i think 14 is a bit young.

    30's is more appropriate,

    but if you cant wait. id say

    at least 21.

  10. Good God, what's wrong with you kids today!? Seriously, you're 14 bloody years old! Wait till you at least have b***s before you try to have children of your own.

    As for trying to entrap him into pregnancy? Girls like you are the worst sort of scum.

  11. i agree with your boyfriend, you both are not ready for kids, i hate to sound rude or offensive, but i bet both of you do not have money to raise/support the child. h**l, your a little kid, you cant even get a job. your not emotionally stable, and when your in your 20s and want to party, you cant cuz u cant find a baby sitter and cant afford one in the first place.

    also children of teen parents have higher rates of suicide and depression. do you want that for your child?

  12. Everyone goe's throught the stage of wanting a baby, but you are so young and i say take ur birth control and dont tamper with the condoms. If you have a child now u will miss out on too much. at leasr wait untill u have finish school and are 18. I recommend early 20's is a good age to become a mother. Be strong and fight the urge to have a child this young!

  13. I think you are a complete IDIOT! And how can you possibly care about your BF in the least!  

    Please email me his number so I can call him and tell him to run like h**l away from you!!!  You are a LUNATIC!!!

  14. I think your a dumb *** and your boyfriend should find someone less chaotic.

  15. that is so wrong in every way, your 14 and should be thinking about school, and thinking about trapping your bf into having a baby with you is morally wrong , he has told you that he is not ready for a baby, and it's clear that you are not either. very wrong didn't your parents teach you right from wrong .  

  16. I've been reading through your other questions and have decided you should keep your legs closed especially at 14 you're an idiot. Either you're incredibly dumb or a Troll i don't know which is worse.

  17. i think you need therapy.


  19. i think you should get mental help.

  20. you need to quit being crazy and realize that your a little kid, in no way ready to have a child.

  21. WOW WOW WOW! you really need to calm down. your only 14. i am 18 and i am 36 weeks pregnant. things are way different wen you are actually there. and dont poke a hole or anything. you dont want to ruin both of your lives. you seam desperate. if your boyfriend doesnt want to have kids now then dont try and coe up with your own scheme. thats rude. plus you are way to young to even think about kids. be a kid, you still hve to mature more.

  22. are you dumb! your only 14 and are ready to have a baby. your still a baby yourself. ANd poking holes in your boyfriends condoms is no way to get pregnant. he will know if you did. and he will most likely leave you. wait wait wait. enjoy your like as a child or teen.  

  23. 14, s*x, BABY???? are you SERIOUS? I think what your doing is completely irresponsible, you need to wait!

  24. assuming this is a 'real' question - here is a real answer

    you may "....think its time we get together and have a family" but i doubt he will be participating in your dream life

    you can expect to see the back of his head as he walks out of your life & the childs life forever (not fair for the child at all)

    you can kiss your youth & fun party times bye bye

    you can expect to end up on some kind of social assistance - that is a PC way of saying welfare (or my tax dollars)

    you will spend the next 20 or so yrs alone - very few 'good' men are interested in what we used to call 'sloppy seconds' -

    any guy you take up with will never treat another mans child like his own

    your child will grown up poor - since at 14 you don't have even a HS education & can expect little more than a low paying meneal job

    your child will hate you when they get old enough to ask

    "who is my daddy?" & "where is my daddy?" & "why can't we buy nice stuff like my friends do?" & "why are we poor mommy?"

    you are gonna start to really regret this 'fantasy' you have of being a mommy when you have a screaming infant waking you up at 1am & 230am & 5am - with no one around to help you

    then you'll have the toddler years of tantrums & oh yes and fevers too - when the child will be awake for hours at a time crying & crying cause they feel so sick & you can't do anything to ease them except cuddle them until they are better

    think you can do all this - and about 50,000 other things i don't have space to write about?

    oh yes & ever time you look at your child - everytime! - you are going to see the face of someone who walked out on you

  25. I think you are a selfish conniving little sl*t that needs to grow up and finish school You are not only plotting to ruin your life but the life of a child and your unsuspecting boyfriend.It's girls like you that I wish couldn't even get pregnant you don't deserve a child If you're this self centered at age 14 I can only imagine what kind of woman you'll grow into.You disgust me

  26. Both of you must be prepared to take up the responsibility of being a parents. Not just wanting a baby.  

  27. Your boyfriend sounds smart! I love his thinking! Yes I think you should wait.. maybe not that long though.. but whenever you are ready. I know babies are cute and it seems so wonderful to have a child right now.. but it will be hard especially at your age. It is NO GAME! You shouldn't poke holes in his condoms he needs a say in it too you know.. besides that isn't right!  Just wait until your out of highschool or college.

  28. girl are you okay?

    your still a babyyourself.  A baby is a living thing, having a baby is a huge deal. Once you have a baby you wont have time to be an actual teenager. Also have you realized how much gossip would go around in school and how do you actually know he will stay with you. I'm sorry girl but you sound a little crazy. I never heard of a 14 year old wanting a baby.

    Girl you crazy!

  29. your a sick puppy and once he finds out what you have done he Will leave you for sure

    wanna be a single mother?

    ow and p.s. I read your other questions and your still living off your daddys credit card! how you gonna pay for a baby when he takes it away for good?

  30. If you do poke a hole in the condom or not take your birth control and then get pregnant, be ready to raise the baby all on your own.  Don't count on him to stick around.  My advice-DONT DO IT!!!

  31. YOUR A PSYCHO S L U T!!!!!!!

    you need serious help!    YOUR 14!!!!!!!!  

    your too young for s*x

    your not going to be with this boy forever!

    you not even old enough to drive....

    ew your one of those dumb b*****s that traps guys!!!  i HATE girls like you!

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