
I really want a baby....?

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Okay im a teenager and for some reason I really want a baby... do you think that this is a stage im going through. Also how hard is it (mainly anyone whos a teen mom but any mom can answer) And also do you think that having a baby would seriously effect my future dreams...




  1. Yes, Its a phase.

    you'll soon get over it.

    don't think about yourself--Think about how it would affect the baby.  Its really a cruel thing to do tothe baby if you think about it.

    Purposely trying to raise him or her with little to no money, with no father.

    Yeah, doesn't sound like a good idea anymore does it?

    Its natural to have a maternal feeling, but just remember you're a teenager.  Go have some fun instead

  2. I'm a teenage dad, so I think I qualify for this question.

    It's a lot hard than you think. Yes, your baby would effect your future dreams, but if you work hard at it, then you can achieve anything. But anyways, when I was 14 my girlfriend pressured me into s*x. We used no protection whatsoever. A couple months later, she told me she was pregnant. I was scared out of my mind. When my daughter, Rachel, was born, my parents said that they will help me financially, but I'd have to get a job anyways. So I did. I lost half of my friends because I could never go out and hang out, but the friends that stayed with me hate it when I have to push around a stroller if we go out and do something, you know? My parents only babysit her when I go to school and work. There is very little time for friends. When Rachel was two months old, her mother left and wanted nothing to do with her. So now there is me, a fifteen year old guy, left raising a 14 month old daughter. Yes, I have a new girlfriend. But I make sure there is that line between her and Rachel, you know, making sure Rachel doesn't start calling her "mommy" or something like that. And I don't just give Rachel to her and leave, and I don't ask her to babysit Rachel.

    Please wait until you're older. You won't regret it.

  3. I've wanted to have a baby since i was 14, i think it was because i wanted to take of someone and be needed. It will be difficult having a baby now and it will be harder to get to your dreams. If you think you are ready for a baby and can support one and give it all your attention, then go for it.

    I don't think it's a phase, i'm 19 now and i still want a baby in fact i'm ttc, but i do have a good job and i live with my boyfriend, who also wants a baby

  4. i'm 16, and ALL of my friends have the same phase,

    they all want babies, well the girls only actually,

    i think the only reason i dont is because i have a brother that just turned 1 year old, and i SEE how hard it is to take care of him, and how much money&space&time he takes up.

    but now, i think im pregnant, and i really have no idea how to feel.

    im scared, and lonely, and trust me you dont want to feel like this.

  5. It is a phase, i went through it when i was like 11.

    it would definitely effect your future BIG TIME! plus you can't be a kid anymore when you have a baby, because then your responsible for somebody else's life.  

  6. You should get a job at a community centre or something that involves being around children since you like them so much.  You would be crazy to have your own if you are a teenager.  The reality of having a child is a lot different than the fantasy.  If you have future dreams/plans to further your eduction, etc. that will not happen if you have to care and provide for a child.

  7. i know!!! i am 13 and i want one sooo bad! it seems like since i started to get my period that i want one more, that is probably natural instinct right? of course i am not going to have one just because i can! i will definitely wait, no way am i getting pregnant before i am at least 25. dont get pregnant, everyone in your family will think your a ****.

  8. It is normal but just remind yourself that you don't want a baby now. Just wait a few more years to have your baby and you can give him/her the best life possible. :)

  9. Okay Hannah, this is just a stage you are going through. You may think that you want a baby but think about it.

    *The actual pregnancy, pain and not a lot of fun.

    *The severe slash in your income due to medical bills, diapers, food, everything.

    *No more going out with friends, you cant take a baby/toddler/child out to a party or to a bar can you?

    And yes, i believe that if you have a baby now, 99.9% it will break those dreams and you will have to find somewhere else to turn to.

    My best friends older sister decided she wanted a baby, BAM 12 months later she cannot afford to keep herself and baby Aimee healthy with regular food.

    In the end she turned to prostitution (yeh idiot i know) to pay for a 1 bedroom flat.

    Well i hope i have helped you:)

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