
I really want a boyfriend.?

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I really want to meet a great guy, but there are like no g*y guys at my school. And I've waited to long.

Are they any sites for teens that I can meet someone on? [Not Myspace]





    it's for g*y teens


  3. g*y, why so many g**s in the world?

    I can't imagine it......

  4. on-line dating is dangerous..sometimes a guy that is not g*y could pretend he is g*y. just to play with your mind...but if you want to take the risk..after you find a guy online try to meet them in public places

    i do know a Portuguese web site..with g*y and none g*y people...but is portuguese..if you speak spanish they will understand it too :)

    sorry i don't know any american web sites...i don't leave the usa..:)

  5. Theres this website called ""

    You may have heard of it.

    There is a large population of g*y teens on this site.

    But, it is a webcam site so make sure you have one.

    If you click the "group chat" link then you can choose from a list

    of chat/cam rooms. There are special ones for g*y people too!


    it's great.

  6. I love your name!!!  "Moosloth", why didn't I think of that name?

    Anyway, I had a similar problem at my school.  Search for "g*y youth".  I've done it before, and I was able to find a few sites that could kind of help out.

  7. Well, you might want to consider being more specific in your desires, it's important to also find a guy with common interests and educational desires, so you can share in your past times and do things together.  

    That's an aside, and yeah I would be careful of the online dating thing, the online dating crowd seems to be full of people who have been hurt and are trying to l**k their wounds and start again.  That's not necessarily a bad thing but it is something to be aware of.  

  8. well, if you do decide to register for a dating site make sure you are legal age first.  maybe try out

  9. Meeting people at school or in person is better than online, so if there's "like no g*y guys" at your school then wait 'til you go to college

  10. You don't want to meet people online - that's dangerous - instead make better use of the internet by doing some casual research into your local g*y scene, and try meeting like minded people personally.

    You'll do better for yourself meeting someone face to face, you never know whose on the other end of the screen.

    That's if your looking for an actual boyfriend. Otherwise i'd recommend Facebook or

  11. We're on the same boat-there is NO g*y DUDES in m school or area...wanna go out with me? :)

    anyway, here's 2 pretty good sites- (if you're 16 or over)

  12. Yes there is datin websites that you can go to I'm in one called and let me tell you it is NOTHING but guys on tht website I love that website better then myspace....that what I think

    So go to and you'll find what you are lookin for.

  13. You don't know that, there might be some g*y guys at your school but they're too afraid to let it out in the open. If not join a club or even a support group I'm not trying to sound rude by suggesting a support group, you could meet someone there who feels the same way as you. Good luck! :)

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