
I really want a bunny but my dad says no!?

by  |  earlier

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what could i do to show that im ready for one?




  1. P-lease

    grow up little girl

    rabbits are **** pets anyway

    they bite

    my friend is steryl because of a cute little bunny


    stop crying  

  2. i was in the same position.i just went out and got 1 and showed my mom how cute it was..then i got rid of it cuz it smells ssooooooo freakin bad!!!


  3. How about a kitten.



    (") (")

    Kim <3

  4. Bummer, guess you don't get one then.

  5. Well it might not seem true, but having a rabbit can be a big responsibility.

    You have to be careful what you feed them, and make sure they don't eat anything that can cause harm to them.

    There are many more responsibilities of course.

    Ask your dad if he would consider you having anything else. If not just wait for a while or you could just beg him and moan at him... make him symapthetic for you lol.

    gd luck xx

  6. Do lots of research about them so he knows you have knowledge and understanding about diet and their care in general, save pocket money so you can contribute financially and most of all convince him that you will take care of it no matter what i'm sure he'll give in in the end.

  7. Rabbits are alot of work. They need a large outdoor enclosure to run around in and they eat alot. They need to be neuteured or they will p**p and pee everywhere, this costs alot of money, they need vaccines, dental work, nails trimmed. They are not easy pets to keep. If you dad says your not ready then he knows best and your not.

  8. stop begging your dad its pitiful.

    besides you dont want a ******* rabbit.

    trust me.

    i had one, all it did was bite, scratch, eat, and p**s.

    its the nastiest ****.

  9. maybe your can...........wait your DAD??!?!! how old are you???????

  10. Just show as much responsibility as you can.

    Get all As, clean the house, clean the yard, get a job if you can, etc.

  11. ahha i have 6 bunnies

  12. If i were in your position, show your dad how responsible you are and how well you would look after the bunny. Ask your dad why he won't let you get a bunny. Maybe he would let you if you bought it with your own money? Try to work out a way to work it out so it is a win win situation. Perhaps you might need to do some extra chores or jobs.

  13. Be really responsible. Start doing the dishes, folding clothes that aren't even yours and putting them away, and in general a lot of chores. Mowing the lawn, watering the plants (unless you have sprinklers or something) and getting good grades (maybe) will show that you're responsible enough to handle a bunny.

    :o. Good luck!

  14. LOL bunnys are awesome :) you should tell him that your dad wouldnt hear a peep out of u until christmas or ur birthday or any holiday xD

    OH! name your bunny cream like the bunny from sonic the hedghog

  15. You're not, stop crying.  

  16. give him a lap dance.

  17. listen to your daddy :)

  18. maybe if your friend has a rabbit you could ask to borrow it for a week or so and take care of him  then your dad would know you could take care of one and just make sure you still get your normal chores and housework done hope i helped

  19. Bunny's are gross. They need tons of space and they make a big mess. They're overgrown rodents. That's probably why he doesn't want you to get one.

  20. TRUST ME, they are ALOT of work to have around. they stink no matter what and  not to mention you have to keep there nails trimmed and there teeth too. I know they look so cute in the pet stores ,but they are not worth it  

  21. h**l to the NO! dnt DO IT! i got a real cute one(mini-lop) and its cuteness fooled me it pissed all over my carpet in my room and it smelled like a porta-potty ! LOL seriously i just got a kitty :)  

  22. You can only show him you are responsible - start keeping your room cleaned without being asked, pick up your things, do your homework without anyone asking, help with the dishes even if it's not your night, etc.  Don't fight with your siblings, don't whine, and don't pester him about it.  After a good month of doing these things, mention to him that you think you have really shown him how mature and responsible you are and that you deserve a reward - maybe a bunny.

    But, he may just hate bunnies and say no anyway - they are really messy and stink bad.

  23. No bunny for you honey... HAHA! That was AWESOME!! I made myself happy just now.

  24. u don't want one, trust me

    f.y.i. its the smell

  25. By asking on yahoo you are proving your not ready.its showing you cant think of what you can do to get one, just relying on others

  26. No means NO

  27. You have any other pets? Take care of them all by yourself. bunnies are extremely messy pets.  

  28. You might not like this answer but, you should do everything you can to show responsibility, all without being asked. Clean your room. Wash your clothes. Do the dishes (at least the ones you've used, if not all). Vacuum. Clean the bathroom. Think ahead about other things you could do for both your parents. It may take a while too but don't bug him about it for a while. By the way, bunnies are really cute and fun to play with, but they can be dirtier and harder to care for than you think.

  29. him that you can be responsible cause having a bunny is like having a baby..they are hard work even thou they are have to feed them ,water them,clean them,clean his/her cage cause they do stink alot, good luck

    if it do not work so beg him for a chinchilla,i have one for my boys and they are just like a bunny-less messy-they dont stink or make any noise,they are sooo  lovable

  30. This is what is getting me a hamster=):

    Research, reseatch, research! Articles, pictures, facts, etc. Read books at the library about them, show him funny and cute videos of rabbits. Look up about them all the time. Soon enough, he'll PROBABLY give in and get you one. If he still says no, then its a no.

    The worst thing to do is whine.

    Also, save money for it! hope this helps!

  31. Just talk to him and try to convince him have a good talk with him and prove yourself worthy

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