
I really want a pet but my mum keeps saying no..please help?

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My name is Krysty and i really want a pet puppy. But i always ask my mum and she says no... she said its not becuase of the money its becuase of the responsibilty and taking care of it and everything. I dont have a dad and my 2 sisters are moving out so its kind of hard. I really want one so how can i convince my mum to get one in this situation? D:




  1. When you get your own house get one. Your mom don't want to have to take care of it, smell it, feed it and buy its food! Rabbits are expensive! I have two and vet bills can cost 100-800 dollars

  2. You need to show your mom that you are responsible and can take good care of a puppy. How about sitting down with your mom and coming up with a list of daily chores that you must do, without complaint, and without missing any, for two months? That would give her plenty of time to see just how responsible you can be.

  3. Tell her it will raise your self esteem.

  4. a puppy is alot of work. they need constant care and im sure your mom doesnt want to be left with the burden when you are not around or when you move out like your sisters. remember puppies grow into dogs and dogs live a long time. i have a mini lop rabbit and it works well for me. she stays in her cage when im busy and when i have free time she can hop around the house for her playtime. they are inexpesive and very lovable. just keep the cage clean and the food bowls rabbit care and do some research with your mom.

  5. Try talking to her about what you can do to show her you are responsible enough to handle the daily work that a puppy requires.  If she won't consider any of that... then consider other pets that she may allow.  For instance, rats require a lot of responsibility (cleaning the cage, interacting and training them every day, etc) but she may be willing to allow that.

  6. Ask for an iguana. When she says no say "well how about a puppy?" best  case - she agrees because it's not an iguana.

    she might call your bluff but at least your getting a pet

  7. Hi Krysty, you don't say how old you are, but I'm guessing somewhere between 13 and 16.  One thing to keep in mind "How you do anything is how you do everything" (T Harve Eker).  

    Words are great but actions are better.:-)    Sit down and ask your mom how can you demonstrate your responsibility - pick some household chores that you can do,  then do them without fail   No excuses and no need for prompting.  Start with something easy, like taking the garbage out each day. Do this everyday for a month without fail and find another chore you can do which contributes to the household - and stop asking for the puppy.  You're mom knows you want one so no need to keep hammering the message home.  What she needs to know is that if she gets you a puppy you will follow through with the responsibility of walking, training etc.

    Also look around your neighborhood for anyone who needs help walking their dog and offer to do it 2-3 X per week.  If it's viable for you to get there, check out the local animal shelter to see if they need help.  You also be able to learn some valuable things about the care and raising of puppies.

    Good luck  

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