
I really want him to hold my hand?

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I'm 13 and so is my bf.. We've been going out for a couple of monthes, I really want him to hold my hand but he is really shy!! What do i do




  1. y is this in pregnancy

  2. Do it in private first, where he won't feel pressured. And no s*x. :)

  3. When youre walking next to him kind of play and grab at his fingers, then slowly slip your hand into his.

  4. You will have to make the first move..

    Grab his hands !

  5. You make the first move and grab his hand. Girls make the first move all the time now. If you're comfortable he will be comfortable.  

  6. Yeah try doing is slowly in private. Let him know that he shouldn't be shy, and try to make it as relaxed as possible. Have fun in the cycle of love.

  7. Good for you gal! I'm 14 and i am not having s*x till i am married... But i am ready for my first kiss! It looks like you will have to make  the first move which i did with ALL my boyfriends when i was 13... and i am still making the first moves now with one of my guy friends.... It gets annoying but if you guys are walking together just grab his hand its not that hard! Good luck!  

  8. hold his hand

  9. You make the first move... grab his hand.

  10. Just grab his hands and hold them.

  11. if you don't want to ask, you can just sort of tap your hand against his when you two are walking.  he will look down and the message will ring clear

    if everything goes well he will grab ahold of your hand  

  12. Just say your nervous to but once you do i once it will be like second nature  

  13. Just grab it :P

    Me and my boyfriend held hands and made out on the first date haha


  14. grab his hand

    if you are holding on to his hand

    he can't run away

    can he?


  15. grab his hand and hold it.  

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