
I really want to ask her why she did this?

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I had been friends with this girl since kindergarten. Her name is Rylen. Rylen and I were really close and this year she really changed. All year long (I was a junior in high school), on and off she and this other girl Marlee (we were all friends, I was closer with Rylan and didn't really care much about Marlee) would gang up against me whenever I had a disagreement with one of them. In April it got worse due to prom. They bullied me so bad I had to drop out of public high school and enroll in a GED program. I am starting college in January.

Before I left school, my parents talked to guidance and they said they would talk to the girls about the problem. That didn't work neither did my parents talking to their parents or the principal talking to them. They said it wasn't a big deal and wasn't a problem.

Recently I've been wanting to ask Rylen (she was the lesser of two evils with Marlee) why she did this? I know she wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for Marlee. Would it be




  1. I suggest you go on with your life at

    the New School.  A "Bully" is a person

    who is Mean, Cruel, not a friendly person

    and won't change OK.

    Bullies are everywhere in this day and age.


  2. if i were you i would deifnitely want to know why your friend was doing that. people change and dont always have the same friends but thats no reason to bully someone so much they had to change schools. talk to rylen but idk if AIM is the best way to do that, it is easier to talk to poeple through that because its not face to face but most people end up getting in fights over AIM because its so much easier to talk through. also people can save or send any conversation so if you decide to talk to her through aim make sure not to say anything that you wouldnt want to get around. deifnitely talk to her some way it sucks loosing a good friend especially if you dont know why. good luck=]

  3. I had kind of the same thing happen, this kid who I'd been friends with since we were * just stopped talking to me out of nowhere. But i asked him why and we kind of talked through it and we're sort of back to where we used to be. I used to be a big beleiver in the fact that people can't change, but if he did maybe other people can. If you want to ask her why, then ask her. But if she doesn't answer or snaps at you or anything like that just let it go, it's not worth getting into a fight all over again. Hope this helps!

  4. i had a similar issue. not as bad though. my best friend since 2nd grade was a jerk. i never realized it until high school though. everytime she made a new friend (we went to seperate middle schools) she would be mean to me, gang up on me and then stop talking to me. i even introduced her to MY friends and she ditched me for them! i have found that there are a lot of crappy "friends" out there. finally after high school when we were barely friends at that point i confronted her. i never had before. not only did it feel great but she did not expect it and it put her in her place.

    so i think you should tell her how crappy she was and ask her why she acted like that. ask her why she felt the need to be sh*tty to you for no apparent reason just because she thinks she is cool. also, if i were you let her know how much you don't need her in your life. you don't need people in your life who are going to make you feel bad. there are plenty of nice people out there for you to be friends with.

    if you don't think she would talk to you on the phone then i guess aim would work. it is very non-threatening for you both. the thing with aim though is things can be misunderstood easily.

    i say go with the phone though.

  5. I've heard of this before. Your friends will start hanging out with new people, not a problem, but to impress them, they shun you off. Believe me, it sucks. So yes, it really only is to act cool and fit in with their new friend

  6. I think you have a right to ask because they're the ones who made you leave school. No one deserves that. You should ask, maybe there was a misunderstanding.

  7. Does it matter?  Oh, I know you want "closure", at all that stuff, but I doubt that even Rylen could tell you why she did what she did.  Teenagers get a herd mentality, and turn on the weakest member (apparently you) in a heartbeat.  

    Get on with your life -- living well is the best revenge.  You'll be ahead of them in college, and making lots of new friends who are experiencing the same things you are.  They are still stuck in high school for a whole 'nother year.

    You'll probably have a chance to talk to her about it.  Someday, when you least expect it, you'll see her at a shop or at Starbucks, you and she will get to talking, and I bet it will come up.  At that point, you're going to surprise yourself when you realize that you just don't give a d**n.

    Stop dwelling on it and go out and live your life. Don't let it be defined by these people.

  8. maybe she liked u and she wanted u to ask her out to prom...idk i guess i need more details on how she was being mean

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