
I really want to become a horse jockey but I'm scared im to small. I'm only 4'9" am I to small

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I really have my heart set on it and I think I have what it takes.




  1. There's no such thing as being too small. The smaller you are, the smaller your tack is, and the less weight the horse has to carry, which means it will go faster.

    If anything, if you grow anymore, you will probably be too big.

  2. Height has nothing to do with being a jockey.  But small or short can be a good thing.  Because small people usually are better able to control their weight unlike tall or average people.  Because a jockey can't weigh over 115lbs.  So as long as you don't weigh over 115lbs and have what it takes to become a jockey go for it.

  3. I would be more concerned on being too tall and weighing too much.  Have you ever ridden any horse at all?

    Check a track to see if you can maybe begine as someone who leads the horses to the track and maybe a exerciser.

    You also did not mention your age. .

  4. As others said- its your weight you have to watch not your height (I know some tall jockeys! LOL). You'll have it easy cause theoretically you wont have to watch your weight.

    Your height WILL give you a problem, however, when you first start riding. I'm 5 feet tall about 95lbs and I have a huge problem with trainers letting me gallop because they all look at me and think I'm too small and I'm going to get run off with. So your height and size is a blessing, yes, but its also a curse.

    So- good luck, hopefully you'll find a good trainer. In theory, you can't be too small... but in the eyes of others, you might be, which just means you'll have to prove yourself over and over. Especially if your a female.

    Being a bug jockey you need to be under 105lbs if you want to find rides. You'll have trouble if your much over that (bugs have to be lighter than the pros)

  5. Your height seems par for the course, actually.  What's more important is to have enough strength with your size to control a powerful animal like a horse.

  6. yea ur a good size! go 4 it!

  7. I have never heard of anyone being to small to be a jockey. You should really go to the track and stand by those guys you will fit right in. You may even be taller than a couple.

  8. you can't be too small to be a jockey, but you can be too weak.  but you def have the size for it, give it a shot!!

  9. You can never be too small!  Your size will help you a lot to meet the weight requirements... you'll be healthier than the other jockeys because you won't have to spend so much time sweating off the pounds each day.  Look up info about Julie Krone... she won the Belmont on Colonial Affair... she is one of the tiny-est people I've ever seen.  I saw a picture with her and Jerry Bailey and she comes up to almost his shoulder!

  10. NO. being small is what you want to be a jockey, you can never be "too small". You're probably just perfect. Don't TRY to grow, or TRY to stop growth. If you are small enough to be a jockey thats great, but don't be dissapointed if you grow and end up really tall.

    Its a big dream to become a jockey. It helps to be born with natural abilities, and to grow up with horses (especially on a thoroughbred farm)

    I hope you make i! Don't worry, you're not to small. Good luck.

  11. weight is the problem...get with a good trainer...goodluck

  12. i was a jockey and have riden with a few midgets so no you are not to small just watch your weight

  13. go for it! jockeys are supposed to be small. i don't remeber why, but they are. chase your dream! good luck! i'll look for you in the derby!

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