
I really want to become a vegatarian but am having trouble. Help!!!?

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I have been trying to become a vegetarian but I am having some trouble. Does anyone have any tips to help me.




  1. go slowly...first take out red meat or chicken.  get used to not having that AT ALL! then when you are comfortable with that take the other meat out of your diet.  while you still have one of the two add other things, like more veggies, beans, whole grains, tofu, veggie burgers, nuts, ect.  then take all meat out! this really helped me.  if you just try to do it one day, it will be hard. go in sections and steps and it will be a TON easier.  any more questions or want some recipies, ask me -

  2. I'd love to help, but can you say what the trouble is? Be specific!

  3. This is what I did:

    I started by cutting the pork and beef out, then maybe 2 weeks later I cut out chicken, and 2 more weeks after that I cut out fish. And basically I got used to substitute meat(Tofu, Veggie Burgers).

  4. well,

    i was able to just stop eating meat.

    but it really all just takes self control,

    if you read on most websites there is usually about a week to 2 week span where you will crave meat after you first become a vegetarian, and in that period of time, you just need to have self control,

    if your friends are mean like mine they'll try to force you to eat me, and your family might to, but you just have to stand your ground and have a little self control.

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