
I really want to consider homeschooling. Please read.?

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Well I really don't like public school i've gone my whole life and I can't stay organized. I don't really have much friends either. But you know what it's like when your parents are not for the whole schooling. I am 13 years old, so I guess I should be socializing, but I am overweight and bad at sports and I really don't have much friends. I get disorganized in one day, it's almost impossible for me to come in early or after-school to retake tests. How would I seriously ask my mom though? I don't think she would take me seriously. I am very skilled with computers and I work very fast with them. My mom knows that also.




  1. I suggest sitting down and letting her know that your seriously considering being home schooled. Let her know the advantages of home schooling, and share your feelings on it.

    I'm sure if you really want to, she'll consider it. Though school can be hard sometimes, especially sometimes in Jr. and Sr. high; it can also be rewarding academically and socially; so balance your options.

    Good luck, and hope everything works out good :D

  2. Hmm. What career are you looking into? True, you're young yet, but you should be contributing to your future now.

    If you're looking into a job that requires you to work in a team, or socialize with people, you might want to stay in high school so that, as the theory goes, your skills with people will develop (more so than if you were at home all day).

    Going to a public schools, in general, IS very hard. Some people are *******. You worry about being thought of as stupid if you're not on the same page as everyone else. Some teachers are c**p, and you might think they're stuck with pinning you down with un-beneficial homework. But, amidst all that negativity, there is light. There are the really GOOD teachers who actually care for you, and those who will become your friends for, if not life, a very long time.

    Hmm. I can't preach to you. I'm nearly 15, and I still have the problems you have. Procrastination is a sucker. Its very hard to do get to doing things you don't want to do, and thats the reason I was looking into homeschooling.  Really, I want to blame my habits on some obscure brain damage. It could still be a possibility. But, isn't it something to overcome, this procrastination? BUT... the dilemma is that I don't think this "education"  could help me in my life outside of school.


    This may not be so creditable coming from me, but reflect on your reasons. Being overweight and bad at sports shouldn't hinder you. As Mark Twain said, "courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear." I understand how difficult it is to push through low self-confidence. Being in a chorus class where all are veterans but you is a real shocker. -sigh- So maybe, instead of saying you are such and such, why not work out, or practice playing sports, if its going to greatly impact you. I have an A- grade in that class because I participate and do classwork. :D

    You're shy and have few friends. Thats not bad. I don't have many friends either, but I do really care for who I have.

    I'm lecturing again.

    I have a 12-year-old friend who has been home-schooled all her life. She really is very responsible and independent-- I don't know if you are born with qualities that can't be changed, or if your virtues are supposed to develop. I like to believe its the latter.

    I want you to know. If you were an actor, and you memorized all the lines of your part, you would still stumble in your performance if you hadn't practiced out loud. Knowing something should be done is very different from actually doing it. I can use myself as an example once more: In Japanese, we were doing a group skit for the ending quarter test. For my group, I wrote the entire script without anyones help (they didn't even know I had until I was done). I knew what every line of the Japanese meant, BUT, since I hadn't practiced orally, I ended up messing up by forgetting word order, even whole lines! I was supposed to act like I was taking attendance-- I had a pencil and paper, but while acting, I forgot to check everyone's name...

    Now actually getting to your question (boy, did I write much). Before you tell your mom, think  over your reasons once more. Write them down. Things--feelings--that sound reasonable in your head you realize are silly once they're written.

    If, ultimately, you are serious, here is what you could say: Mom, I have something important to tell you. I don't think public school is the right for me-- I think I'd rather begin homeschooling before high school starts. I've been feeling this way for some time now, and am very serious. I think I'd fare better studying here. My reasons are:

  3. It's "I don't have MANY friends..."  Not "much."  If you hang out on yahoo answers long enough - you'll get your education!

    Home-schooling requires a LOT of organization... from you as well as your parents.  Even if you go the online route, your parents still need to be involved in your education.  

    Do your research and present the option to your parents... highlighting the reasons why YOU think it would be a good idea.  Most online programs even offer fields trips and such where you could meet other home-schooled kids and you might find those kids more appealing than the idiots that roam the halls of most high schools!

    If you're miserable AND you're not performing well, it makes sense to explore other options.  Just ask your mom to hear you out (create a presentation) and ask her to consider the idea.  Some states will even reimburse you for your internet bill which would save mom $$ (ohio does!)

    Good luck, and remember that even if she says no, this phase of your life won't last forever.

  4. Hi, I am a parent that homeschooled my youngest child through the middle grades of 6-8th. Those are very tough years to get through and for us home school worked. I live in a state that is very supportive and they have a very big home school society to utilize.  I would like you to know it is not all about the school on computer. It is harder and you and your parent/s have to be very dedicated. It is very easy for you the student to fall behind or to excel it is based on your study habits and commitment. As far as social activities, not everyone has the self esteem to go out and make friends but you can't isolate yourself to just words or the computer either. You’re at a time in your life when your body is making a lot of adjustments. Your size only affects you if you let it. Your shyness is only going to be over come when you feel you are a success or have achieved something that is important to you. Socializing is something you will need to learn no matter if you’re at a public or home school environment. You live among the living and breathing human race. You need the rest of us, as we do and will need you, so be a part of it.  You are special and have talents. You are just now learning who you are and what your interests are. Don't give up on the rest of the world just yet we all have something to give to each other.  I suggest you really do the research. How is home school viewed in your state? Are there any active home school associations in your area? What are the dues if any to join? What do they offer you as the home school student/teacher? What curriculum/s will I use? How will it transfer into High School Credit if you go back to public school? How will a College accept your GPA and SAT scores if you want to further your education?   Organization is a skill you can work at it even if your not home schooled.  Not everyone is organized but there are tips on it for your age through your counselors or go to (type in: How to organize myself for school and beyond?)   Do your home work and research your subject and present it to your parent/s if you make a logical and non-biased case they will be proud and make a decision based on your research.  Now if they decide not to allow you to be home schooled, don't give up on you studies at school, just try to make your case as best as you can and accept the decision they make.  It is equally hard on them to make the commitment and have the self esteem it takes to teach you at home. Know matter what they choose remember it is in their understanding and desire for your best interest in your future that they don't want to let you down. Let me know how it works out and if I can help I will try. Good Luck...

  5. I homeschooled. It is a lot easier than people think.

  6. i dropped out when i was in 11th grade because i felt school wasnt for me. i was so behind in credits and people are just plain mean..i would wait until u get to high school to see if you change your mind but i know that school isnt for everyone, im working on getting my ged right now and i feel it works better for me because i teach myself.

  7. you might want to consider independent studies

  8. I was homeschooled (3rd - 8th grade, but know many homeschooled high schoolers) and the whole socializing issue is a myth, in most cases... try to find out if there is a homeschool group in your area (most are associated with churches, but there are some secular ones out there). Also, if you wanted, you could participate in sports at you local high should try to get involved in some sport, organization or even take some musical instrument lessons....

    With that being said, homeschooling is NOT easy, especially in high school... You HAVE to keep on top of your work and take responsibility for you own education and its tough.... just explain to your mom why you want to homeschool and that you are willing to take on this monumental task... Also, depending on what state you live in there are often times TONS of regulations that go along with homeschooling... you have to report to a government agent who will keep tabs on you....

    my advice: find a local homeschool group

                       look into your state's rules

                       make a list of pros/cons about homeschooling

                      reflect on your reasons for choosing homeschool

    If its the right choice for you, you will never regret it! You will often have more time to learn, have opportunities you will never have in a normal school, meet other homeschoolers who are usually cooler than most people, go on fieldtrips and learn things more hands on! good luck

  9. Home schooling takes heavy parental involvement.  YOU have to be more organized, otherwise nothing will get done.

    I would try to go to a different school, and get a tutor before attempted homeschooling.  It can be much more difficult than public school when you go into it at your age.

  10. Hey man, just stick it out.  You will learn a lot more by being with others.  I know it seems like you will not have friends etc.. but you are still very  young.  When I was very young I thought that I would never be popular or have any friends,girlfriend, but I came around, and if I would have made myself a recluse by staying home, I would have never became sociable

  11. I've done that for a couple of courses.  It is nice to be able to work at your own pace, but if you have any problems, it's harder to get help.  I even had times where the problem wasn't even with the subject matter; it was stuff like illegible copies of diagrams that I was supposed to be using to answer homework questions.  You are talking about re-taking tests, so I would be surprised if your parents can be convinced to let you put that extra distance between you and your teachers by doing internet based courses.

    What about asking them to see if there's a school they could transfer you to that would be better for you?  In my experience, switching schools can make a HUGE difference.  In one school, they blamed my problems with bullies on the fact that I didn't want to play softball at lunch, and the teachers thought I was a problem child because I would lose my pencil and daydream a lot.  My parents moved me to a school where bullies were blamed for their own behaviour and they actually put me in the right level of classes and life got a lot better.

  12. Hi Ryan,

    You are a very bright young man who knows lots of things and will do very well in life. You have a  lot to say and if you stay at home someone is going to miss out on your knowledge. Did you know that people learn from their classmates and not just from the teacher?

    . Did you know that going to public school is the best training ground for getting to know people who are short, tall, skinny and overweight and in between. People who are into sports and people who are into music and people who are into the sciences like you with computers.When you are around all these different people you pick up knowledge from all of them and the teachers of course.

    If you stay at home you are not in a rhythm like music...when the bell rings you go to class 1 then it rings and you go to class 2 just like being in the stop for lunch and enjoy the food and chat. The ride to and from school can be an adventure too just seeing what is happening around town as you ride might sound crazy but some of my best memories are at the bus stop with my schoolmates. I know life is not like it was many years ago when I was in school but I'd be so sad if I had missed out on all the things that happen there....these are the things that make memories when you are older.

    I think I've said enough...but I'm serious I hope you think about your choices and stay in school where you are. You will grow out of the things you don't like about yourself...and get on the right track. You know your weaknesses so all you have to do is work on them one at a time...

    Best of luck,

    Mama Jazzy Geri

  13. My son finished the 8th grade in public school with straight F's and went from that to straight A's and B's being home schooled. Online charter schools are considered the same as public schooling. My son graduated an online charter school and now attends University of Dayton ( a private university ) with scholarships.

    Home schooling can work for some. The student needs to be self disciplined enough to do the work and care.

    This is the school my other children are now attending,

    Depending on where you live they may be a help, if not, there are online charter schools all over.

    They will provide you with the computer, printer, supplies and books that you need as well as teachers and academic advisors. This is the same as a public school but ONLINE at home.

    You are also able to work at your own pace with most online charter schools

  14. talk to your parents about it...they can help make the best decision for you.

    I think at 13, maybe you're just going through a rough time. it will pass! stay in school!  trying making friends at places other than school (church, ect) and work on your self- esteem.  trust me, life gets way better after your teens :)

    also, if you're feeling unable to keep yourself organized, maybe you and your mom should talk to your doctor about possible neurological disorders.

  15. Whenever I had to ask my parents for something like this I liked to go in with a full "business plan" made up in my head.  Be prepared for the questions:

    1-If you are not organized in school, how will you be at home?

    2-How are you going to socialize with people when you sitting at home all day?

    eg answers:  1 - Being at home will give me more time to organize, instead of having to run from class to class, stuffing papers in my binder as I go and hoping I don't lose them.

    2-  I will join a couple clubs and classes that I feel comfortable in that will also benefit me... karate or volunteer at a computer class helping seniors.  It will look great on my college application, and I will be around people of all ages and not just my own, preparing me for real life.

  16. If you home school your parents need to be smart either with a bachelors degree or higher or you may be deprived of a good education and when you goto college you will be so far behind you may not catch up. I seen this a lot at my college with kids that were home schooled.

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