
I really want to do something?

by Guest33908  |  earlier

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I want to change the world even though im only 15

what specific things can I do i really want to get involved and help our earth because our earth is ****** unless we do something




  1. Study Portsmouth's of plants and how they all use CO2.. Look for the cycles in nature.

  2. I see you have bought into the hysteria that is global warming.  Look,  there is nothing wrong with trying to do what you can to help the environment,  but in the end,  there is nothing much you can do about it.  The Earth has survived far worse than human beings and factories,  trust me.

  3. There are many organizations that address global, enviornmental, & human rights issuses you can check out on the net, but be cautious as some are not ligit.  Type in Save the world, Save the planet, save the enviornment etc. on your upper right corner of Yahoo in the "search link" & a large list will direct you towards your search.  Reading is the key.

    For more direct action with in your area, contact your city hall or other governmental organizations or even news outlets & ask them to provide ligitimate organizations for what you're interested in, such as the enviornment or the homeless or animal shelters etc.  To give you any one specific thing is difficult as you may live in an area that has different needs.  EG. I live near forests, so the ever need to pressure my local government to be enviornmentally sound & save the trees is important, but you may live near the ocean....?  I wish I could be more specific to help, but good luck to what ever you choose, Your heart is in the right place.

  4. I would think the first step would be to educate yourself. Whatever you want to do, research it, and study both sides of every argument. Then find your own solution, and surround yourself with like minded people with the same goals who will help you progress.

  5. If you want to do something about Global Warming plant more plants and trees for Oxygen. Pick up trash and don't litter

  6. You are 15.  The Earth is 4,500,000,000ish.  It will take care of itself and you cannot do anything to alter its climate in any meaningful way.

    Try to break it.  See what happens.  But do it now and learn quickly that responsible conservation and global warming are two very different things.  The first is a virtue and the second is a waste of time.

  7. Learn as much as you can about the environment, and reducing your personal impact on it.  Educate other people who are interested in helping, or unaware that they are hurting.  

    Don't make a lot of trash.  

    Don't throw things out that can be reused, or recycled.

    Refuse plastic bags when you shop, buy reusable bags.

    To learn more, there are good internet resources you can check out.  Treehugger has a good section on going green, which basically shows what action you can take a single human being to help save our planet.  I also run a site which has several detailed articles on action you can take, even as a 15 year old.

  8. go ahead and get involved

  9. If you want to really change the world & help the Earth, at 15, start at home.  If you aren't working this summer, volunteer at a local animal shelter, soup kitchen, river clean up, etc.  Making your community better place to live will go farther than trying to change the Earth.  We are only microscopic fish in a giant ocean & can only do so much.

  10. Diddo, what Utopian said. it always help to join a group who share the same interests and concerns that you do. it is a good starting place. from there you can come up with your own ideas on how to help.

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