
I really want to do something...?

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i really want to do something to help my community or other people...i've been thinking about helping out for awhile like writing to military or just raise some money for a charity or something. i just dont know how to get started, any ideas?




  1. First what touches your heart?  Do you hurt at the thought of a child being humgry or not having a place to sleep at night?  does it bother you thinking about someone's great grandma being all alone with no one coming to see her and maybe not having enought to eat?  Does it make you want to cry to think of a kitten or puppy being killed just cause no one wants it?  When you see a kid in a wheelchair do you look away or smile at her?  What abou when someone hgets yelled at because they can't keep up in school or master the basics of some sport?    Does your heart go out to someone fighting overseas or to kids in another country or to environmental causes?   When you allow your heart to lead you you will know what kind of thing you want to help with.

    Then look at your talents.  Do you like to work with people or more behind the scenes?   Are you good at art, or computers, or music or writing or making people smile,or keeping things organized or at a particular sport or subject?  That will help you know what you would enjoy volunteering to do.  For example if you are good at music and organizing and like to work with people and people like great grandparents touch your heart then maybe you can get friemds tohgether and put on a talent show.   If you like to work on computers maybe you can help in an office of a group that helps kids or animals,or maybe you'd like something more hands on like workimg with puppies in a no kill shelter to help them get homes.  

    Once you have an idea what you care about and what you are good at call the volunteer bureau in your area- it may well be part of United Way- or call directly to an organization hat does what you care about and see how they can use your help. You can research ofganizations by going to and entering your town or state name and the kind of thing you want to help with like foodbank, animal shelter, etc.

  2. Hey that is a cool thing to do. You seem to be a person with good morals, I would suggest thinking about cleaning up litter around the community. Raising money for animal shelters, or poor people.

  3. any help with the elderly is really appreciated ie: just visit a resident in a nursing home to brighten their day it is so rewarding and the staff appreciate it as it gives them time to attend to others.  I look at it as helping them out of this life with a friend.  Some people just dont have ANYONE visit them it is so sad and they have some lovely stories to tell....well I could go on.

  4. Go to your local library and see if they have any suggestions or brochures, etc.

    Volunteering at hospitals and charities is great! If you're interested in history or nature you could see if there is a National Park nearby - that's where I've been volunteering for 4 years. They should have a range of jobs you could do from educating the public to historical interpretation and from behind-the-desk-work to maintenance.

  5. You could do some volunteer work at a nursing home or a hospital near you.

  6. go to your local library, they will have many ideas for you. all the best..........its people like you who make not only communities but the world a better place to live

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