
I really want to do the high school swim team but....?

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I have acne on my back. It's not too bad but theres markes and a few zits here and there. I'm a good swimmer and I would do well, but I'm afraid people would look at me and go "ew, shes had acne." I'm not sure if I should do it or not because of that. What do you think I should do?




  1. if you realy want to do it then NEVER let anyone or anything get in the way of you and your dreams. Acne is no big deal, for real. nobody will even care and if they do they are self centered and and most of all probaly jelous of your talent. so they arent worth worrying about. so go chase your dreams and leave them in your wakes!! have fun and best wishes!! good luck!!!

  2. who cares.

    every one has a pimple everylittle while.

    even if u do have some acne, you can the in the olymipis one day and then people will worship you!

  3. phisoderm.... its just a body wash for acne that you can buy at the drug store it works for me... i know how you feel its embarrasing  i didnt like changing in front of other girls for sports because of it

  4. DO NOT concern yourself with Fools making EWWW noises at you, just get out there and kick their ****s by beating them in competition.

  5. Well if you are a good swimmer don't let acne slow you down. But if it is a big issue don't see a normal doctor see if you can visit a dermatologist they specialize in skin treatments like acne. Good Luck =)

  6. It doesnt matter any way cuz you have to wear 1 piece suit.

  7. dont worry about what any one else says. your pretty no matter what they say. i have acne to and if people dont like it i tell them to kiss my butt...  

  8. So,

    Michael Phelps has weird teeth.

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