
I really want to get my nose pierced but my mom wont let me.?

by  |  earlier

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Any ideas on how to talk her into it?




  1. First How old are you? If you're like 12-13. No. If you're14-16. Do it yourself. If you're 17-18. You definitely don't need your parents permission.  

  2. i did mine myself =)

  3. Well definately, dont go behind her back. She will obviously find out. Just ask her why, and if she gives a stupid reason, prove her wrong. How old are you btw, that could help.

  4. Well, one thing you should not do is do it yourself because it's a facial piercing and she'll obviously see it. Ask her why cant you get it? Reason with her, hm.. make a deal with her. Or, show her that you're responsible for a nose piercing.

  5. u could get ur friend to do it or somting

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