
I really want to get ..?

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Snake bites . I have wanted them for so long . But my aunt (she's my guardian) won't let me get them . It's all that I want for my birthday . What should I do ?




  1. i think you should sit down withh her aand tallk to her about it andd whyy you wantt (:

  2. i think they are ugly...i agree with ur aunt

  3. i had to wait til after i moved out to get mine.

    i say just explain to her that unlike a tattoo, piercings are NOT permanent. you can take them out at any time and the healing process only lasts about 2 to 4 weeks. Lip piercings are painless and well worth it.

    just a note: if you're not allowed to have piercings at school or work, then consider that before you spend the money. Yes, there are clear retainers, but you have to wait until the piercing has healed before you can put them in.

  4. what are snake bites???

  5. seriously there ugly nnoooo offense but, they really are. no one would wanna date you then....

    you understand?

  6. is that like a clothing brand or sumting or its an actually snake bite  

  7. Snake bites? Maybe you should get something simplier before you turn eighteen. Like maybe a nose piercing. This girl I knew got them and she said the pain was seriously crazy and if you took it out the mark was very noticeble.  

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