
I really want to go back to the philippines.?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and I are in long distance relationship. My parents are planning to migrate here in america but we still going to process our documents. But i dont want to stay here. I want to go back to the philippines and be with my boyfriend. What would I do?




  1. You have to be of legal age...besides, does he feel the same way?  does he have a job to support you? or a family? In the long run, it'll probably be better if you stay in the US and just petition him.  You'll have a better life bec. you'll hv better job opportunities and you'll be with your parents (WHO LOVES U VERY MUCH AND ONLY WANTS WHATS BEST FOR YOU).  LOOK, if it's meant to will sister did the same thing and they waited... and you know what, years later, he has a great job here in the US and hv a wonderful house full of kids.  

  2. That really depends on how old you are.  You're legally an adult at 18 in the States.  I take it you're still legally a citizen of the Philippines  I  don't know what the legal age for adulthood is there, but if you're 'of age' then do whatever you want, it's you're life.  Just be sure it's what you really want.

  3. It really is up to you.  If you're on a legal age already, you can do what you want and go back to the Philippines.  If you're problem is finances and you're still living with your parents, I guess you have to earn first so you can go back.  Or, maybe do it the other way round.  When your migration papers are done, maybe you can apply for migration for your boyfriend also so he can go to you.  

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