
I really want to go on a walk but...?

by  |  earlier

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Something is holding me back and I don't know what. Should I go for a walk? Nothing is gonna happen hopefully. I have never felt this way before, I really want to walk but something in my body is telling me not to. Sorry, I know this is a really lame question.




  1. This is not a lame question.  It sounds like you are fighting depression.

    Go for a walk, alone or with a friend.  Exercise can only make you feel better.

  2. If something doesn't feel right, don't go. Instinct is your best defense. If you want fresh air.. just sit outside. But  if you have a weird feeling about it, I wouldn't go for it.

  3. Exercise will give you endorphins and make you feel a lot better. Get out there and go on a walk. :)

  4. lol its not lame, u should trust ur gut and if its telling u that u shouldnt go, then i wouldnt go. u will probably be fine but idk u should maybe have a friend go with you!


  5. Is it perhaps because you are heartbroken?

    I say go anyway.  If you don't like it, you can always come home again.

    Or not.

  6. If you want to. It might just be your tired and some fresh air will get you back to feeling normal, but it might be a good idea to just go with your gut instinct- it's usually right.


  8. I don't know the reason you don't want to go out and walk, but I felt that way a few years ago because of an experience I had walking. I love to walk. So I bought myself a treadmill, best little investment I ever did. No matter what the weather is like outside, i am comfortable walking inside.

    Hope this idea helps a little. Good luck.

  9. I like the all of the answers.  You could wait and go later, go with a friend, how about going to a mall with lots of people around?  

    You don't say if this is an on-going feeling, or just a one-time feeling.  If it's on-going, I hope you get out there and walk.

    If it's just a one-time thing, follow your instinct and go when you're comfortable.

    Whatever you decide, have a great time when you do go.

  10. what your gut feeling is telling u too...maybe if u go on your walk you'll get mugged or ran over who knows?lol

    but if u decide to go on your walk enjoy.


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