
I really want to go to Spain, and I really need some advice from people who've gone?

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Okay, so here's the deal. I am totally in love with Spain and it's culture and people, music and gypsies(esp. when music and gypsy culture are combined!<3 ) I'm about to go off to college this fall, and I know I want to go to Spain, but I don't know if I really want to go live there and study abroad, or if I just want to go with some friends for a few weeks. I need your advice on whether it's better to go as a student or a tourist. It's really been bugging me lately, Please help me. Thanks!




  1. Go first for vacation,if you like it,then work there

  2. I think you should stay for more than a few weeks, if you really like Spain, it´s the only way to get to know it all over, think that when you get older and get a job you won´t probably get a chance like this (to have enough time to travel)

  3. hi. i went to spain in february for about two weeks. i was kinda both a student an atourist because i went with my school, so we took the touristy trips around the madrid area, but we also had to go to school. i think i definetly had an advantage because i stayed with a host family and they knew all the good places to go. if you do end up going, some good places to see are salamanca, and madrid. go to a flamenco show. eat churros with chocolate and try paella. (also there is really good shopping everywhere!).

    its a great place tho and im planning to go back soon with my friends (i too have thought of doing a semester there!)

  4. Good Lord, GO!  I have traveled to Europe several times and it is sooooooooo much fun learning about different cultures.  If you speak Spanish you&#039;re way ahead of the game.  I would suggest a travel agent since they know all the nitty-gritty details.  And, FILE FOR YOUR PASSPORT NOW!  The system is overwhelmed at the moment and it takes up to 10 weeks to get one.  You can expidite it, but it&#039;s not worth it unless you need it in a hurry.  

           Studying abroad can be overwhelming.  You would be away from home for up to 4 months, trying to deal with an entirely different culture.  To top it off, you&#039;d have to translate/understand Sociology 101 which is painful enough in your native language...Although I wonder, do European Students have to take a WESTERN HERITAGE SEQUENCE?  Yuck!  There&#039;s alot more involved than just packing a suitcase if you want to do it.  

               Personally, I would stick with a month long trip and see about hostles or renting a room of some sort.

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