
I really want to help in africa?

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I really want to go to Africa to help with something, anything. I'm only 16 though, so I would need to find an organization of some sort that I could work with. I don't attend churhc, so any kind of church organization is kind of out of the question. Does anyone know of an organization that takes teens to Africa to help the community?




  1. Charity begins at home. Why think of something we can not do ourselves? You can do wonders anywhere by helping people where you are. Grow up a little morte. Consult your parents. They will help you.  Good luck..

  2. join the peace corp when u graduate.

  3. Because you are an unskilled volunteer, be prepared to pay yourself for your flights, in-country transportation, health insurance, accommodation, and food, as well as a fee to the organization to cover security, translators, training, staff to supervise you and to support you in your service, liaisons with the police and local officials, etc.).

    There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations that *don't* charge fees, and how you can gain that experience locally, wherever you are right *now*, no matter your age. You are never too young nor too old to start engaging in activities and training that will make you a viable candidate for long-term volunteer placement agencies:

  4. Yes, I do know a great organization that arranges exactly what you're looking for in Africa and it's for teens!  It's 'Free the Children', started by Canadian Craig Kielburger in 1995 when he was 12 years old. His organization has grown by leaps and bounds and they are now the "largest network of children helping children through education in the world". Their website is

    Craig's been on the Oprah show a couple of times and now Craig and Oprah partnered to form 'O Ambassadors'. Info on this is at

    Free the Children has a related Leadership Academy where they do offer trips to several countries, including Kenya. For Kenya they recommend being at least 14 years old, however for school groups there is no minimum age requirement. Before going overseas with them, they recommend taking their 'Take Action! Academy', which is week-long program, held in a couple of different cities in Canada and also in Beijing. I took a group of teens from the Middle East to this academy and it was absolutely incredible! The website is

    For other ideas, here are websites that give thousands of opportunities:

    Most of them have a minimum age of 18 years, however if you go with a parent there are some that allow teens.

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