
I really want to learn how to play guitar, but i dont know where to start! can u please help me?

by  |  earlier

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all my life i wanted to play an acoustic guitar. but i know NOTHING about them, except that they comein acoustic and electric. im also a kick-@$$ guitar hero player, if that counts 4 anything. i want to play things like goo goo dolls and lifehouse, amber pacific and such. i really dont know where to start. should i buy a cheap used guitar from ebay, or should i buy an expensive one from a store?

and then i have to hire a tutor, and i have no clue how to get one!! did i mention that im a sophmore in highschool, and my parents wont give me money for guitar lessons if their lives depended on it!! i can afford the guitar, but the lessons are gonna be a huge problem!! is there any way i can get free lessons, online or something??

many kids play the guitar in my school, but im not really friends with them, so theres only a 1/100 chance that ill ask them anything. if its really urgent then ill talk to them...

so please help me get started!!!!

thanks in advance!




  1. Acoustic guitars come in two styles: With nylon strings which is the preference of players interested in classical type of music (the guitar is also called a"classical" guitar).

    The other Acoustic comes with steel-strings which is the preference of most (not all) folk,blues,jazz,etc. players.

    Both types of guitars can play any type of music but nylon strings are easier on the fingers and the sound is more "mellow". Steel-string have a more "bright" sound to it

    and are a bit more "punishing" on a beginners fingers.

    Many (not all) steel string players use a "pick" to play.

    You should stay away from eBay only because many (not all) of the "sellers" are prone to exaggerate the merchandise and

    I know of people that have had problems getting back credit or money.

    There are many good guitars made by reputable companies

    in the price range from $125 to $250. with laminated tops that can serve you well as a beginner's guitar.

    I am personally familiar with guitars in that range made by

    Washburn, Takamine(Jasmine) Yamaha, Alvarez, Cordoba,

    that are very playable. There are other names but I only mention those I have used.

    The web have many reliable guitar dealers that offer good

    values and a good return policy as well as a 45 day low-price

    warranty on their products. They all have phones for you to

    ask more information about the productrs.

    As far as tutor maybe you should only spend $10.95 on this little 124 page booK : HOW TO PLAY GUITAR  sub-titled:

    Everything You Need To Know To Play The Guitar

    by Roger Evans. Most major book store have it or they can

    order it for you.

    If you get this book before you buy a guitar you will also be

    better informed on what will be the right guitar for you.

    I don't think you are ready to learn and play a 12 string guitar now. Not Very Many Guitarist are.

    Good Luck

  2. what is your budget??

    6 string is for you- 12 strings is just like...extra strings that basically add sound i mean theres not THAT much difference and so...yea just dont worry about 12 string.

    if you are SOOOO motivated to learn guitar and stuff than you can teach yourself i mean u have to play for a few months to see if its worth your while to have lessons. there are plenty of websites that you can learn guitar from- you should check them out (

  3. and/or

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