
I really want to learn how to play the guitar. Do you think I should do it? Does it involve lot of practice?

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Please give me as much info as possible because i am scared that when i take it i will regret it and i wont be able to manage school!




  1. duhh, what do you think?

  2. Don't practice 20 minutes a day. That's rubbish! I never put it down until my fingertips hurt, or unless i have to go out or eat dinner etc.

    When i'm done with that, i pick it up again and start practicing again.

    It's hard if you're not determined to learn. I never regret learning guitar, but many adults look back and say, "If only i had learned an instrument when i was young.."

  3. u should!!

    its freakin awesome :)

    and gives ya something to do when ur bored

    i was exactly the same way a year ago

    and since then i bought 3 guitars and play all styles of music

    even wrote a few of my own

    it doesnt invole alot of practice at all

    just about whenever u feel like playing

    when u start off its gonna be kinda lame and your fingers will hurt

    and get blisters then callouses which are gross!!!

    anyways after about a month or two with of playign about 30 min to an hour each day

    the sound and finger movement will come naturally

    youll love it

    just learn

    u can start off with some tabs at

    its a start but well worth it :)

    and read some tutorials for more advanced styles of playing


    but theyll seem like a complete waste of time

    if u just start off playing and skip the bullshit

    and i know dont have much time on your hands

  4. Well.... if you want to become a descent musician than you have to put the time and effort into it. I'm not going to lie to you... it got very frustrating sometimes but if you have the time and the patience than it will all be worth it. If you can devote about 15 minutes of your time a day to playing guitar you should be fine. Its not easy though. But I would definitely take it up because studies show that a person who plays a musical instrument tend to have better grades. Hope this helps. I have been playing for 11 years and if you ever need any advice let me know. I will be glad to help.  

  5. Guitar is fun, but just like any other new thing you learn, practice is essential.  Without a lot of practice, you aren't really going to get anywhere.  So, if you don't want to put forth the effort it takes to learn something new, don't waste your time.

  6. yea it involves alot of practice, I tried to learn it in 4th grade- failed

    tried learning from my dad who was the guitarist in abandn - failed

    learned my my music teacher 4 years later and kind got use to it.

    trust me its pretty hard

  7. If you practice a half hour a day, you should progress fairly well. If you really want to be good, practicing 1-2 hours a day will help much more.  

  8. anything you want to be good at requires alot of practice shut the tv off and play with your guitar

  9. Learning guitar does take a lot of practice but if like listening to a lot of music w/ guitars being used in em (like Rock and stuff or Rock N Roll)

    then you get really eager and keen to learn guitar. I usually play guitar at home for about half an hour everyday and when I listen to new music then I usually wanna learn the song on guitar. It really helps because if you know a song really well that you like then you get really used to playing the guitar w/ that song. I feel really proud of myself that I can play guitar but I am still learning (I've been learning since Christmas 2008) and I don' t regret it!

  10. Have you ever heard the old joke:

    Question: How do I get to Carnegie Hall?

    Answer: Practice, Practice, Practice...

    Well, that's how it goes for guitar, piano, singing or anything. If it was easy to master, then everyone would be a star. So, if you want to be good you will only get what you put in. An hour a day is not too much time to devote to something you love and are serious about. Once you learn to love the instrument you won't want to miss your practice time.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

  11. you need to have at least a half hour of freetime a day  if you want to learn the guitar

  12. yes you SHOULD im taking guitar lessons and it ROCKS!!!!!! you do have to practice everyday but its not like you won't be able to do anything else so yes do it

  13. Do it, its hard at first, and youll have to practice a little every day, but its so worth it in the end.

    You will be able to manage school, just practice for like 20 minutes every day before you go to bed.

    Good luck =]

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