
I really want to make a custom made cage for my guinea but I don't know how!?

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Mum, I have a budget of roughly, Hm mm, maybe 100$? I'm willing to pay a little over. I want it to house 2 female guineas, and have a wall separator if necessary. I need easy to follow plans cause I am not the brightest bulb in town, and don't have the slightest clue how to use a hammer. the cheaper, the better!





    Click "How To Make".

    You can also buy an already made C&C cage.


    Very fun cages for your piggies and easy and cheap to do. You can customize it to have a seperator or more than one level if you want to.

    I have one for my guinea pigs and they love it. Use the cage sizing guide too, it should be pretty big.

    Also in the cage put in things to play in like:

    tissue boxes

    paper bags

    tubes that you by from the pet store

    also there is a bridge that is fun that they can chew on here's a link:

    big size

    stay away from hidey houses like timber hideaways because then your guinea pigs will be hiding all the time and they will be scared and you will never see them.

    also make sure - which you probably know: dont use cedar chips as bedding.

    shredded newspaper is the best cuz they like to burrow in it but pine or aspen shavings as well as carefresh are good too.

    hope this helps. I don't know whether you're an expirienced owner or not, but for all your guinea piggy questions go to

  3. It's cool you've decided to build one! Just make sure it's inside, because guinea pigs are very sensitive to the heat and cold. :)

    This site tells you how to make a cage on your own! ^

    This is what you will need:

    Required (in addition to Cubes and Coroplast)

    Scissors or a box cutter. Regular scissors will work, but a heavy-duty pair is better.

    Pen or Magic Marker

    Tape measure or Yard Stick

    Yard stick or straight edge for marking

    Clear packing tape

    Razor blade or box cutter

    This is optional:


    Cable ties to secure connections or if you run out of connectors.

    Organizational shelving for a cat-proof top.

    Table or desktop space to put the cage on! We recommend a folding work table for 2 x 4 grid cages and up (5' x 30" table top needed for a 2 x 4 grid cage). They are available at many office supply stores for around $30 - $35.

    Pliers or "RoboGrip" pliers to squeeze together stubborn grid connections.

    Preparation time: 30- 1 or 2 hours

    Hope this helps!

  4. why dont you just buy a cage? how are you going to build one without knowing how to use simple tools? but heres an idea, buy a pen, instead of a cage, it gives the guinea pigs a lot more room.

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