I need help. A LOT of help. I can barley do a cartwheel. But, my sister best friend made th compition cheer and all she could do was a round off and cart wheel. I want to know how to do the splits, a cartwheel, a round off, and maybe some basic jumps. By next spring. Can you help? Im really skinny and small, so I think I could be a flyer. I know mos of the hand motions and stuff, and I can knida do a hurkey ( not a good one, beacuse I cant do the splits) I have a trampoline availible Wed, thu, Fri, Sat and Sun morings. I cant do tumbling classes, beacuse there are no close ones. Can you please help, Ive wanted thsi FOREVER!! My mom and grandma USED to be cheerleaders, so they can help! : ] I also used to ice skate, so if you can compare anything, that would be amazing! THANK YOU!