
I really want to move out of new jersey, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I'm a 22 year old female and had 5000 at one point, spent 3000 on a car, got into an accident two days ago, had spent most of the rest on other things I needed but the accident will cost 1600 to fix and and I brought it to the car auto place and now I will have no money left. I feel like I shouldn't have spent any of the money and made a plan to move. But I didnt thought the car would help me. now I'm going crazy b/c Im living at home, with no job ( I quit at the begining of july I was working at lowes for 12 an hour) b/c I was calling out so much b/c depression so I put my two weeks notice in so I could use them as a ref. for a new job once I got my head together. beginging of august, havent gotten my head together. depressed all the time, have done NOTHING with my summer have NO money now, and I have a poor friends pushing me to move in with them so that we can all get off our feet but its not working out and I feel such a need to get out of jersey and find what it is I want out of life I know its not easy but I feel like I ****** myself by wasting that 5000 dollars which took me 3 years to save while living on my own with my ex paying rent at two crappy jobs. I just want to live somewhere nice away from here with opportunity in an eceltic neighborhood with nice people and nice scenery and not see the inner city grim b/c I have no money to live somewhere nice. I dont know the quickest way to make money, I'm not that well educated I wont lie, so even alot of common knowledge I'm not that aware of, I call it the april bubble I've been in, very embarassing, and I also dont want to turn on my girl friends b/c they are such good people, but I havent found myself yet, and two of them dont have jobs either, one cant get one right now and the other is on unemployment. I know I have to think about what I want.... but as always I'm confused, and jsut want peace and to be happy and live with smiles. Thats what I want out of life, doll houses, halloween, go to festivals, and maybe learn to cook or bake a little resturant and live well, travel.. but I'm afaird of people alot of time what they will think of me, but I carry myself well with others and cant stand being alone. I have some issues to over come and I want to break out of it as soon as possible and find direction without wasting more time and live the day well and plan tomorrow so that next week I accomplished something, yet that method has not worked quite yet. I need a little guidance. Its also hard b/c alot of the time I cant focus... and I drift.. and that causes me to hate on myself and sink deeper into that self hatred c**p that I try very to avoid b/c it is a waste of time but at times your world in your mind is what you know and you neglect the world around you and thats the one I want to be in not my mine... if that makes sense. Anyone that wouldn't mind talking to me about this I'd really appreciate it, by email or phone or something. :) thanks so much.




  1. if you want to move there, then go, you wont know till you try it.

  2. email me at smguz78@ yahoo. i live in the greatest city austin. i would love to hear from you and try to suggest things to help

  3. Sell the car and move to an urban area where there's mass transit. Try to find an apartment with roommates because it will be cheaper and, with a little luck, they might help you get started on your new adventure. Once out of New Jersey, just try to find any job so that you can pay your basic expenses. After you have any old job, you can go out and look for something that pays better. Yeah, you sort of screwed up on the car, but it's not a bid deal in the long run. Just, if you sell it, make sure you get an honest price, and budget the money very very carefully.

    The first few months will be tough, but it will be a good sort of tough as you start to make progress and become your own person. Good luck.

  4. Getting out of NJ is probably a good idea. The cost of living here is utterly outrageous. You'll find the cost of living is MUCH more reasonable in the midwest, for example.

    If you've not got a lot of experience or education, the thing to do is to address that directly. This will probably mean getting yourself a college education. You might want to choose a college where the cost of living is low (e.g., in the midwest). Find a state school where the tuition is (relatively) low, as well. You may well be eligible for financial aid to help with living expenses and tuition.

    The bottom line, is that it's pretty hard to get to the goals you've described (e.g., live well, travel) without a college education. Harsh, but true.

    That's the reality of the situation.

    Best of luck to you in your decision-making process,


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