
I really want to move up in riding?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I ride in the Hunter/Jumpers (local I think ONE of the shows I go to every few months is rated but maybe not) I ride/own a 15.2hh Quarter Horse gelding who I love dearly. but he can only show up to 2'9 and I DESPERATLEY want to move up to 3' or 3'3 but here is my issue...

There are NO H/J barns in my area. I trained with this one lady for awhile and she ws AWESOME but we just can't pay that much for lessons, and though she said I was a good rider and I could come back anytime (and she doesn't tell many people to come back) she just hasn't called us back about any horses for sale (lik she said she would) I really do believe I am a good rider, and have more heart than anyone else and would be willing to do ANYTHING to reach my dreams of going to Pony Finals, Maclay, HITS, any of those...

Does anyone have any suggestions or anyone that teaches in North Florida/ South Alabama or Georgia? I am just so mad, because all those rich kids don't really want to be there...they just do




  1. Well the question about moving up is sadly going to have to be answered by selling your QH and buying a jumper a TB or a Warmblood cross. Even an appendix would do great. Now as for her not contacting you shes prob busy and I think you need to Look for horses on your own and then contact her with the horses you have picked and ask her opinion. if she still doesnt contact you then you will have to do the hard job of finding a new trainer. ( which I know is prob impossable if theres no Hunter jumper barns in ur area. )

  2. I agree with the other two answers.. Try to work for your lessons... Most barns really need that kind of help. And instead of getting paid you can get lessons.. GL and NEVER EVER give up! (:

  3. Cant help with the trainer sorry. You might want to step back and evaluate your riding on the whole though. I would hate for you to get to a trainer and be told that you are not ready. I hope you do make it to one of the 'big' shows. I wanted to do it as well but had to accept that money was a huge issue. I know a girl who went last year and one that is going this year. Neither are particually better than my friends and I but they have to money to buy the horses needed (one was $120,000). I took my hunter horse and switched to eventing. You might want to at least consider it. A horse that may not be a top of the line hunter pony might make a real nice eventing pony. Mine did and I have learned so much about riding because of it.

  4. Would you be able to maybe work something out with the really good lady you trained with before? Such as working for free/ discounted lessons? Is your current  horse for sale? You might want to look into leasing a horse until you can find a new one. I've been in your shoes my whole riding career and I have had great experiences with leasing.

  5. Wow, I love your passion for riding! I won't tell you I have been there, but well, I have and I had to work for my lessons. Yes there were rich kids everywhere, and they had the most expensive horses, but they couldn't ride them...You might want to see if the horse you own now really can't jump 3' and up, or if that is just a trainer trying to sell you a horse.

    Keep your chin up and keep riding. If you want to get the the finals you will...i got there with a 1250 arab pony and did really well..


  6. I'm sure there are a lot of hunter jumper barns in the Ocala and surrounding areas of Florida.  Is this for taking lessons?

    Also, have you called the woman you were training with to see about other horses?  Maybe she forgot?  These people make money by buying and selling horses and if there is an opportunity, I'm sure they wouldn't want to pass it up.  Also, when I was looking for a horse, unfortunately there weren't any in my backyard either...we had to fly to several states just to try horses.

    I would go back and talk to your awesome local person and see about bartering with her.  Maybe she knows of someone who might be interested in leasing your horse.  I'm sure she will appreciate your enthusiasm.  Don't give up..if there is a will there is a just have to figure it out and I'm sure you will.  Start doing some research on the internet for places if it doesn't work out there.

    Good Luck!!

  7. hey  i cant even get a horse on free lease u dont realize how lucky u r. that rich kids thing really pisses me off 2. y dont u ask that 1 lady if u can work at her barn in return 4 reduced board/lessons (unfortuneately i cant do that cuz my barn is 2 far 2 make the drive more than 1ce a wk and with the price of gas and evrything...) good luck and nevr underestimate wat u hav cuz some ppl dont hav it

  8. Don't be selfish the rich kids want it too, but you could work for the trainer so in return she will give you lessons, Alos so you have a new horse try a trade and if the horse you want to trade for is better then yours offer the horse and some amount of money. Hope this helps...please best answer this!

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