
I really want to name my child (a girl) Sydney. Do think this name is too common? ?

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Do you have any suggestions for middle names?




  1. i love it Sydney Rose

  2. you could spell it differently if you think it is too common. but i hardly ever hear it.




  3. every name is too common now a days!

  4. I LOVE IT!!! Its one of the names i picked for my daughter but i eventually decided on Sonnie.

    Good luck.

  5. I don't think it's too common.  I only know 1 little girl with this name.  I like the spelling you have listed best.  Sydney Elizabeth would be nice.

  6. wtf thats a dogs name dont name your daughter that!

  7. I Love the name Sydney, to me it's a simple and classic name! Another reason I love this name is b/c so many other names sound great w/ it!

  8. I don't think that it is that common. I do like the name Sydney Lynn. =]  

  9. I love the name and no it's not real common. Sydney Leigh?

    Elizabeth R--- I really just LOVE Sydney Claire!

  10. No I don't think it is too common.

    I think it is very cute.

  11. It's not too common. Sydney Annabel would be pretty.

  12. I love the name Sydney!! It is very beautiful.

    Sydney Rose

    Sydney Joanne

    Sydney Elise

    Sydney Elizabeth

    Sydney Claire

    Sydney Jane

    Good Luck

  13. No it's not too common, I only know one Sydney.

    Sydney Ann-Marie

    Sydney Grace

    Sydney Vanessa

    Sydney Lillian

  14. my name is sydney! i hate it though. mt whole name minus last is   Sydney Rae. its actually a beautiful name i think but it doesnt fit me. i love the name annabella. thats why i dont like my name cuz i want that name. but you could name her sydney lynn? hope you pick out a good name! o! or sydney renae!

  15. Im sorry but i just think that is a horrible name and i have a friend named sydney that absolutey hates her name so if it were me i would stay away from sydney and any other city names (Savannah Dayton Dallas Austin Paris)

  16. I had a 2 little girls in my class last year named "Sydney"..just to give you a heads's hard for the other kids to pronounce it..they end up saying "CINDY"...and this for kindergarten/1st grade age...

  17. No, I think it's pretty :)


    Sydney Michelle

    Sydney Iris

    Sydney Violet

    Sydney Victoria

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