
I really want to pet sit but....?

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i want to get a job pet sitting but my mom doesn't want me to for safety reasons such as: if i put flyers out then what if some sicko calls me and wants me to come and sit there pet when they have other intentions.... i dont know anybody who needs a pet sitter so i need a safe way to get customers who actually want for their pet to be sitted. so please tell me ur ideas.




  1. OK you're too young to be sitting for anyone.  Pet sitting is a serious job that requires commitment on your part.  You would have someone's house keys and would be going there several times a day to let that person's pet out and to feed it.  If you are truely serious about pet sitting contact the humane society or ASPCA in your area and ask them if they have a list of places where you could get training in pet sitting.  You would also have to be bonded and insured just in case something is damaged or stolen from a customer's home while you were in charge of it.  You could also contact your local vet offices for references.

  2. First, I think you know that your mom is concerned since you are only 12. While it's great that you want to earn some money, perhaps you should start out slow.

    If there is a vet clinic near you, perhaps you can go and introduce yourself to the staff. Many times their patients' owners (like me) ask their vet for the names of petsitters in their area. If you babysit, or if your friends babysit, you can ask the families if they might need a sitter for their pets. You can also start as a dogwalker, again, using the local vet clinic or even pet grooming center, as a way to get your name out there, but in a safe way. You should let them know if you can handle large dogs (sometimes even the friendliest ones can hurt you if they weigh more than you and you need to walk them).

    You should prepare a list of what you will and will not do, such as feed and make sure the pets have water, if you will change litterboxes for cats, how long you will stay with the pet to play with them in the yard, etc. A good owner will also ask you if you have any pets of your own, just in case they want to be sure that you will know how to handle them.

    Take your time, start local near your home. And have fun.

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