
I really want to quit football?

by  |  earlier

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alright Im a rising junior and I really doubt that I have a future in this game...So the question is why am I playing it?...I spend at least 3 :30 hours a day on it and I really just want to give it up...its just a game...

But I signed this paper saying I will participate in it from the rest of the 2008 year...I think I want to quit my senior year what do i do?

Should I quit?




  1. If you dont' love the game then yes please get out. there is no need in the sport for someone to be out there that doesn't want to be

  2. no dont quit football! you will deeply regret it! it happens all the time where kids get tired and just quit early and then when they graduate they have nothing to go back to and not many memories to share.

    BOTTOM LINE- if you are playing other sports and you want to focus on those, then fine, if not, then stay!

  3. if you do not like it quit because you might hurt your team by not wanting to play just tell the coach that you don't wan t ot play and he might understand

  4. There is no such thing as a paper bonding you to spend a year in an athletic program.  High School Athletics cannot force you to commit.

    This isn't the NFL where they give out contracts.

    You don't play football, because football players don't spend all their time on Yahoo! Answers,  

  5. well i am no sports guy and i am a nerd lol but if you feel like quitting go ahead  its better to go with your feelings than to listen to someone else saying your going to regret that and i used to be a football player btw but i quit that and now i am into computers and i seriously don't regret it

  6. play for fun... did you actually think you were going to the NFL?

  7. stop being a *****! u signed the paper now stick with it, if u quit now, soon ull quit school, then ur job, stop being a *****

  8. No you're not wasting your time. Watch, if you quit now, you'll want back in, you WILL miss it. So just roll with it, and if you still don't like it, just stop. You can't play football and not be passionate about it. It doesn't matter if you don't have a future in it in the first place. Just help the team by being there, and having fun.

  9. if u don't like it then dont waste ur time; quit

  10. if u dnt wanna play.. leave the game.. follow ur heart... or work hard and become a factor.....  

  11. no no no no.. Football is NOT A waste of time.. i played high school & mid school football.. & my breohter quit when hewas a sophomore.. why? becuase he saw the same thing.. but now he totally regrets it !! football players their senior year are so much more involved get so much more recogniztion plus going out of town on a charter & getting fre food is so much fun1!! plus now he's in to MMA & football is ONE THE BEST full body training you can experience in your life, atleast at that age or to get you started in a certain direction.. it give syou so much in life courage, leadership, determination, discipline, & much more.. don't let a little discouragement make you make a terible decision that you can never get back! so what if you spend 4 hours a day ?? it's only for one more year & what better can you be doing?? just stick with it ... it also looks good on a resume..  

  12. I f you really don't like it, pull yourself out. You are obviously unhappy and do not want to be bothered with it. Do what interests you that makes you happy, something you really enjoy. Happiness is everything!

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