
I really want to reach 'ecstasy', What foods can get me to this, Facts Plz, I want to trip out, in a legal way

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I really want to reach 'ecstasy', What foods can get me to this, Facts Plz, I want to trip out, in a legal way




  1. Morning glory seeds, they are alittle trippy. Chew them up, releases LSA, a weak version of LSD.

    See trails, kind of like strong weed but with stomach ache. Get them from hardware stores, like ACE or walmart or nursery's or from internet.  

  2. Chocolate does this for me.  Not just shove it in your mouth and eat it..I mean a really good piece of can be small..and suck it and savour it.  It is so lovely...and it fills me with an euphoria that can last about an hour.  My world slows down and everything is wonderful.

    I am not one that likes to be high.  I do not like getting drunk or stoned where you lose control of ones self and then regret it later.  So chocolate is my high.


  3. chocolate, coffee

  4. Milk and cookies.

  5. Is this how fat people get high?

    use real drugs at least youll be slim and can join a rock band.

  6. mushrooms

  7. I've heard chocolate does this, never tried it though, thats cuz i assume its the really good, rich chocolates, not the ones that cost a dollar.

  8. If you take the advice of the masss you will wind up with diabetes...if you want to get a minor buzz, drink a glass of red wine with dinner...while alcohol is not good for you, a glass of red wine a day will not cause the harm as eating "as much sugar as you can" or eating a whole chocloate cake....

  9. Eat as much sugary things as you can alongside loads of caffine and you will get an amphetamine-like reaction.

    I don't recommend this.

  10. If you're a girl, you could buy a cucumber and use it as a d***o.

    The o****m you'll get should put you in a state close to ecstasy.

    Or if you're g*y and into anal.

  11. Lettuce man...yeah go eat as much lettuce as you can. So trippy ! Honest Guv !

  12. there is nothing natural that compares to ecstasy.. its that simple. If you have never tried it then i would suggest talking to someone who has because maybe hearing about there experience will scare the c**p out of you or maybe you will want to try it more.. i wouldnt' suggest it becaus i almost killed myself but do as you want.  

  13. poppy seeds contain eat enough bagels or smoke the poppy seeds and u should reach a high...u can get poppy seeds at a grocery store or a bagel place...

  14. no foods, closest things are 2 tablespoons of nutmeg or get whippets for whip cream, and use them, there full of nitrous oxide. plants that are legal to trip on and have a lsd like effect are shrooms, san pedro cactus, morning glory seeds, hawian baby woodrose seeds, and salvia.

  15. a good chocolate cake

  16. Cactis plant juice

  17. cheese is nice

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