
I really want to run away - I am 15

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I've just turned 15 and i can't take it anymore. I have emailed the smaritans and calling people is know good. Please give me advice or something. I am really scared that when i leave my mum would call the police and the next day i will be in every single news paper there is. I don't want people to remember my face




  1. To tell you the truth when i was your age i'm 18 now so not that long ago i  really wanted to run away and just forget about everything, leave it all behind. However your 15 your to young whatever you think your gonna get from running away it's not gonna work out that way you plan. Without alot of cash which obviously you probably don't have and besides at your age you probably won't cope. When your 18 you can go uni and then go and do want you always wanted to. But obviously three years is just too long to do nothing. So get a job earn some money and just go out and have abit of fun.

    Now for most people this is where your probably think i'm crazy or stupid but praying to jesus is the best idea. Whatever type of person you are i tell you one thing if you can just honestly check jesus out for yourself you won't be disappointed. I'm from asia and i was against jesus and christanity religion in asia well for me sikhism our family is heavly against these types of religions because were taught to believe differently but certain things have happened to me to believe other wise which is a long story which i'm happy to share if any1 wants but didn't reackon any1 be interested in a long story which they probably won't believe but i say this to just give you a chance listen so you can think for yourself

  2. why?

    whats going on that you want to run away so bad ?

    is it boy trouble, parent trouble dor what? u didnt explain well enough.

    with what you gave me all i can tell u is that you shouldnt do that because u might end up lost, or something very bad could happen to you. the best choice would be to make some change if you dont lke your life. you need to sit down and talk to someone about it.  

  3. U r just going thru alot of things that u think that yr mom doesn't get u or even understand u but in all reality she does, my daughter feels the same way. The only reason she would call the cops is cz she cares for u she doesn't want anything to happen to u. After all u r her baby girl and some day when u become a parent u will see what she is saying. U should really stop and think if u do run away where would u go, how r u gonna get there, what r u gonna do for money, things like that. U just want to excape the problems at home but it actually yr gonna be putting yourself in a much bigger situation. Please be careful in what decision u make.

  4. dont run away. i want to too, but i'm not going to. there are worse things out there than where you are, take it from someone who knows.

  5. why are you taking such a drastic step you have to say why? but at 15 you have to seriously think about what you are going to do once you have ( run away) do you think it is easy to survive by your self,I will give you reasons to stay where you are and read well,

    you will leave your home and go where

    you will eat what

    you will wash where

    you will go to the toilet where

    how are you going to protect your self

    where are you going to get money

    whom do you think will give a sh*t you are hungry

    who will care if you stink because you cant wash

    your clothes wont last long they will wear out very quickly sleeping rough

    you say you dont want people to remember your face take it from me no one will care

    these are just some of the things you should consider before you leave that front door of your home.

    I have done all this and more there is no where safe once you leave that place you call home I have seen the horrors on the street and believe me you dont need to see it, so stay where you are be mature and not a silly kid      

  6. nothing is worth it to make you run away. you will regret it. your parents will be worried SICK about you, they will have a hard time sleeping at night knowing you aren't bundled up in bed a couple doors down. my parents can't sleep when i fall asleep at a friend's house and forget to call! i "ran away" when i was barely 17, my mom called the cops after she realized i had been gone for a while [i would usually spend the night at friends houses and come back, but this was diff] .. my picture was seen by my friends moms at stores around my city. then when you come back or found, you get a big lecture. i did from my parents, a police officer and the freaking principal! [i still went to school but not going home]

    don't do it! especially if you have no place to go. it's a dangerous world out there for a 15 year old. there's no place like home!

  7. Hey, i know what your feeling i always want to run away but then i think what can happen to me. usually i try to calm myself down before i do something stupid and something that i might regret.

    Will you please watch this video and hopefully you will change your mind, GOODLUCK :) please think before you do your actions.

  8. What are you going to do to survive?  Do you have a job?  You won't get far without money.

  9. why you`l regret it donnot run away anyway if you are intent on it then wrong move

  10. you are still a minor. she could call the police and they would pick you up and if you do it again you could go to juvenal hall and be put in a foster home. worse yet , if you run away , there are horrible people out there just looking for a girl like you to take advatage of. and do harm to.

    whatever problem you have at home can be worked out. sit down calmly with you mom , when shes not doing anything and you have her compleate attention and talk to her about it. your much safer at home. and problems at your age will pass or get better. you dont even want to know what i grew up with. hang in there and try to work on making your home life a little better.

    young girls who run away sometimes get found dead in a ditch somewhere. i dont want that to happen to you.

  11. why are you running away? i think you are being silly -- you will not be o.k. on your own.. if you are being abused or in a sticky situation, talk to a guidance counselor or call the police. don't run from your problems.

  12. running away is not a solution work out your problems don't run from them.  

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