
I really want to sign up for track and field this year!?

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please help me! i'm extremely skinny, (i'm going into 7th grade and i only weigh 64 pounds!!!!!) i dont want to go on a diet cause that will probably make me lose weight, when i want to gain wieght but in a healthy way. i get really bad cramps if i try to run, so what stretches and what types of food and what running strategies???

pleaaassseeee help!




  1. When running track a good thing to do is concentrate alot on carbohydrates.  Pasta is a always good.  Fruits and vegies are good too.  The day of a track meet I also tried to get an extra potassium boost by eating a banana.  But really at 7th grade you really shouldn't worry about your weight.  Just try to stay health and have fun doing track and field.  Trust me you will have a blast at the track meets.

  2. o wow 64 lbs??? i thought i was lightweight (90 lbs). u can be skinny and still run track. u just need to build muscles and work out. when u gain muscle, u gain weight cuz muscles weighs more than fat

    my friend is real skinny and he runs cross country and u should see some runners in the olympics (they're real skinny too)

    also go jogging often to build endurance. you will be cramping for a while cuz u probaly don't run all the time and don't have a high stamina yet

    eat veggies, fruits, and meat and stay away from greasy food and junks (its okay once in a while but not all the time!)

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