I'm 16, 140lbs, and am about 5ft 4.
Basically, I want to lose a bit of weight and have decent sized arms, awesome abs, and just generally improve my body shape and how it preforms, I want to feel good about it myself and impress the girls ;P
Basically, what are most gyms like?
I know there won't be this group standing in the corner laughing at new people, but what is the general atmosphere like?
How do I go into the gym and even start to lift?
I have read up on weight exercises, but I don't know where I would start in preforming them in the gym if that makes sense, how will I remember them all?
Also, how long till I would see improvement?
I wouldn't call myself fat, just a bit wobbly if you know what I mean.
When could I expect to see decent abs?
(Yeah, I know this could take a long while to achieve all my goals, but the sooner the better I guess)
Also, is it ok for me to cut until I begin weights, I want to lose some fat as I reckon bulking wouldn't be great, considering my clothes hardly fit as it is =/
(Lazy summers for you ;P)