
I really want to start an environment club at my school, but i don't know where to start.

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what activities should we do? what fundraisers can we do? where can we go on field trips? any suggestions accepted. don't hesitate to put down your answer. just general information about starting the club.




  1. Fund Raisers:

    Green Car wash: with Eco-friendly soap

    Organic Chocolate Bar sales

    organic bake sales

    Community Outreach opportunities:

    5k highway clean-ups, pick up litter/cigarette butts, etc

    build a community garden

    take green house plants to local nursing home and provide bi-weekly maintenance and companionship to the residents,

  2. I would first report the idea to your student body/government which would be a good way to spread it around the school and then you can work with them to think of other ideas and bring the idea upon your principal or someone who deals with clubs lolz sorry hope i helped

  3. First of all, get people interested by spreading the word and making it exciting. Then ask around to your favorite teachers if they woud like to help you start it, and be the teacher to organize it. Then, If you can get the funding, you can start an organic greenhouse and/or organic vegetable garden. You should also start a recycling program at your school. A great fundraiser is to collect items like bottles, juice pouches, energy bar wrappers and other things from your cafeteria and sending them to to be made into products like bags. They send you pre paid postage boxes and also pay you for each bottle or other item you send in. It's only like 2 cents or something, but imagine how many bottles you could collect in your cafeteria. Say your school has 1000 students, and in one lunch day you collect 800 bottles. Even at 2 cents a bottle, your school would make 80 dollars in a week-long fundraiser, which may not be much, but you also saved 4000 bottles from going into a landfill! You can take field trips going to learn about alternative energy sources, or to learn about endangered species whos habitats are being destroyed by climate change.

    Good Luck!

    Also, a new website called is going to be featuring a page on how you can go green a school. Check back for the new page!

  4. Start by talking to your school's club advisor and finding a faculty advisor for your club. I'd suggest an earth science or geography teacher.

    The Sierra Club and the Arbor Day Foundation may have some resources for school clubs.

    Contact the green club from other schools to find out what they've done- a quick Google search of "high school"+"green club" or "environment club" will give you several green club websites.

    For field trips / activities check with your local city or county. They may have environmental volunteer opportunties like planting trees trash pick up, recycling activities, or watershed clean up days.

    For fundraising you can make and sell re-usable bags, have a flea mart (like a giant yard sale) or sponsor a film night.

  5. Start with a tire burning's fun, lasts a long time and rids the planet of tires!

  6. Have a waste-free lunch challenge day.

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