
I really want to start horseback riding...can anyone help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE horses and stuff...i have like posters and books and stuff all about them! i am 13 and i wanna get riding lessons.i have been using the internet to find stables that offer lessons in my much should they cost? i found $180 ones that include 6 private lessons 1 1/2 hrs for 2x a week and one that are like 20 $ and do i ask my parents for lessons too?




  1. that is good pricing

  2. just tell your parents about your love for horses. your parents should let you do it, if you express to them how much it means to you. also, cost may be an issue, but were im from its only 150 a month, for 2 hours every other day. but that was when i was little. :P

  3. I like the direct approach. Just say "Yo!Mom and Dad I wanna get some riding lesson. Yo". Or how ever you young people talk these days. Haha. But really just ask and try to prove your maturity.Luck.

  4. o man, i tooo LUVVV horses, all animals in fact, and i too want to start riding lessons, i am having the same trouble. wish i could help

  5. my dad pays $275.00 per session for my lessons, they are an hour long and are grouped so they are a ton of fun. the lessons are a great price and the  horses are great feel free to email me, i ride year round 1 to 3 times a week and i love it

    tip: go to surrounding fairs and go through the horse barns and find out where those people ride

  6. depends where u live. where i ride it's $25 a person 4 1 hour. i take them 1nce every other week cuz i have horses at home and some1 boards her horse at my barn and in exchange gives us riding lessons. i ride my riding instructors horses when i ride there, cuz boarding there is 2 expensive.

  7. tell your mother you have 48 hours to live. because you have termanal tarrets syndrome.. ask them to buy you a horse because its your life long request

  8. Lessons are expensive, but you should also look into what the stable you choose will require you to buy for yourself.  Most stables will not provide helmets. You will also need boots to be safe around the horses.  As for asking your parents, I dont know them so it would be tough, but I would start by telling them the good that will come from you taking lessons...responsibility and strength are just two.

  9. say mom dad can i have horse lessons um and you can ask if can help and then you learn how to care for horse

  10. I think you seem really dedicated and determined, so show your parents all the information you've collected so they can see what a mature and informed decision you're trying to make. They should reward you for not just whining about it, and actually doing something about what you want. Tell them you want to start a sport that not only teaches you responsibility and the meaning of hard work,  but will also create a good sense of self and a strong, independent person. Working with horses gives people a sense of self worth that makes them feel important and feel better about themselves. It is also a physical activity and will help keep you active. It's also a lot of fun. If your parents are hesitant, just ask them to visit the barn that you want to go to, talk to the instructors and other people who take lessons. Decide together what barn to go to, so it's a mutual understanding. Tell your parents they should at least give it a chance for a few weeks if they really don't seem into it. There are a lot other, more dangerous, less helpful things you could be getting into...

  11. That's not bad pricing.  Just run the idea by your parents and offer to work off the price of the lessons if they're wary...I used to do extra chores around the house to help "pay" for mine when I was a kid.

  12. I would suggest visiting stables personally versus looking them up on the internet. Some barns might be cheaper than others but its not really worth it if you dont get along with the trainer or other kids.

    Just tell your parents that you would really like to try horseback riding. Some will require a little convincing though.

  13. those seem like really good prices for lessons...where i ride we're paying $45 for an hour group lesson

    i'd say just tell your parents that you're really interested in taking up riding as a hobby, and they can provbably tell if you have posters and books etc. tell them the price"$30 for an hour and a half of private riding instruction is a REALLY good deal!!"(and maybe if they're unsure about the price offer to pay for some of it)

  14. where i go lessons are 35 and practice riding is 20. each i for half an hour. if you cant find something cheap enough, see if you can work at the stable and earn credit for some of your lessons. thats what i do and i consider it to be more fun than it is work and it gives me more riding time :)

    as for asking your parents, say its something youll love and want to do. if they seem unsure ask if you can try a leson to see if you like it, then go from there. most stables will let you take an introductry lesson just so you know what its like

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