
I really want to volunteer at the SPCA but i'm too young what could i do?

by  |  earlier

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I really badly want to volunteer to help at the Auckland, NZ branch of the SPCA. I have a fascination with animals and animal welfare.

The catch is, the age you have to be is 18.

I'm only 14.

What could I do?




  1. I have employed responsible 14 year olds for walking my dogs. I have found most of them through fliers they themselves have put up in the neighborhood, announcing their services. I test them by having them walk my dogs with me, talking to them about responsibility, and talking to their parents to ensure they understand the commitment they are making, etc. Why not try it yourself? You could also offer pet sitting services for other pets in your neighborhood -- cats, birds, snakes, whatever.

    You say you have a fascination with animals and animal welfare - you could orient all of your online activities to this. For instance, if you have a MySpace account, link to all of the groups you think do the most for animals, and blog about the importance of spaying and neutering pets, of not introducing foreign animals to ecosystems, the qualities of a responsible pet owner, and other issues regarding animal welfare. If I click on your Yahoo profile, will I see lots of links to animal welfare organizations and related information? All of this gives you experience in online outreach/public relations specifically regarding animal welfare, something that the ASPCA will be VERY interested in when you are 18.

    If there is a zoo or animal sanctuary near you, that's another avenue for volunteering.

  2. you can ask at vets if they will let you help out around the office.

  3. Dog walking or pet sitting is a good place to start.

  4. Wait until you are 18 and then volunteer - doesn't seem as though you have any option.  Maybe you could find some other job working with animals such as working on a farm or helping out at a vets.

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