
I really want to work out but its tough and tiring how can i make it fun or less tiring

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or can you give me good workouts to build muscle




  1. Before taking action, the first and most important part of working out is having the proper mind set.  You shoud dedicate as much time putting yourself in the right mind set as working out.

    First, set goals, why do you want to work out?  What do you want the end result to be?

    Second, repeat your goals to yourself, and tell yourself out loud that you can achieve those goals.

    Third, visualize it, how do you want to look?  How strong or fit do you want to feel?  You need to see and feel your end results, and visualize it as much as possible.  For example, think of how good looking you will look when you fit in the clothes you want, how women or men will be looking at you when you pass by them in the streets, imagine situations in which your end results will play a big part of those situations.  What you want to do is really want the end results, crave it, desire it, make yourself feel that your life depends on it (and it does).

    Fourth, find music that motivates you and pumps you up.  It needs to be stimulating enough for you to want to move around and do something.  Something upbeat.  and use it while you work out.  the music will help you put yourself into a trance that your body will move according to the beat.

    Fifth, stop with the excuses, there is always time to exercise, and even if you are tired, tiredness is only an obstacle that you will have to jump.  Motivation is also a workout, exercise your will power by saying no to your negative thoughts.  Be possitive and say you can.

    Look up workouts, or read what others say, but being fit starts in your head.  If you can, watch the secret multiple times.  It's a great tool.

    Do this almost every day, of course, you will need a day or two a week to rest.  Make a schedule of when you want to work out and what muscles you want to work out.  Any muscles that are sore should be left to rest until the soreness is gone.  In those cases workout other muscles and /or do cardio.

    Print out your goals and repeat them to yourself multiple times a day out loud.  Visualize the end results as often as you can.  It's like falling in love, you fall in love with those you think about the most.  Fall in love with your future you.  Do this every day, make sure you remember to do this every day, put post-its everywhere, in your bathroom mirror, your kitchen, your cell phone before you fall asleep, on the door of your room, the front entrance of your house or apartment.  You need to do as much as possible to make yourself want change.  

    The very fact that you will do anything to remind yourself to want change is a good way to stimulate your mind into wanting change.  Your mind is obsessive, and it goes into viscious cycles, if you say yes you will do yes, if you say no you will do no.

    Use The Secret as a tool, trust me it does help.  Don't listen into people saying it's c**p or nonsense, that's just negativity that you don't want.  If you want change, just give it a try, it doesn't hurt.

  2. i work out with me girlies, its alot of fun when you have friends round you,  

  3. Listen to some really fast and loud work out music while you work out.  That always makes me wanna work out, no matter how hard and tiring it is.  Also, the gym where I work out has tvs on some of the machines, and it takes my mind off exercising.

    Hope I helped (:

  4. you should find a friend that you could work out with. that way you each could push the other harder and it would be a great way to hang out instead of sitting on the couch playing Madden on the PS 3

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