
I really wish global warming existed, that way I wouldn't be freezing my *** off right now?

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Places around the world are experiencing record low temperatures, Siberian officials are scared to death that the record cold temperature (around -60F) is going to result in numerous deaths and even damaged buildings. And I of course am freezing my *** off here in the midwest

So to you who believe everything you see in the establishment media, when is this "Global Warming" going to kick in, because i would love to know...




  1. Global warming is a hoax. FACT

  2. even though it called global warming, temperatures in some areas will go down (like the UK) hence why we've had flood and REALLY bad winds. so it really depends on your area

  3. Global Warming doesn't exist.

  4. I have a theory that it's not only global warming causing weird weather patterns.

    I believe that the planet is slowly shifting on it's axis. Scientifically, you could explain MANY things with the crust/pole shift theory. It could be happening and we folks here on the ground wouldn't even notice it.

    Of course I don't think the public is privvy to this information because it could cause mass hysteria. So the media and government will continue to blame it ALL on global warming.

  5. It's -37F where I'm from. (with wind chill factor). I hate this global warming.

  6. I think it should be renamed and called Globial Freezing.Be this a natural or man made....Science and Goverment better get thier heads together.

  7. I know what you mean - when people moan about global warming I always say bring it on and maybe we will get a decent summer LOL, seriously but I think that scientists blame global warming for everything that they cant explain - if we get heatwaves one summer then it must be global warming - if we get a cold wet summer the next year then it must be global warming - you know make up your mind, what people forget is before the "global warming" theory we still had floods, heatwaves, famines, droughts, storms, etc but the were just thought of as normal weather patterns without all the global warming nonsense

  8. They changed the buzz word to "climate change" to cover their butts. I'm freezing here in Oklahoma too. It's not cold because of any climate change; it's cold because it's winter.

  9. Did you know that global warming may make some places colder?

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