
I really wish that this was illegal

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone else think that it should be illegal for religious people to try to convert people to other religions? I am an atheist and I get sick of it! Does anyone agree?




  1. Yes, I agree i wish it were illegal. The people that really bother me are the ones who want the word God taken out of every thing. They make a lot of noise about it. They go on T.V. they file law suits, they hold marches, they try and shove their beliefs in your face, these people really bother me.

  2. yes i agree

  3. yes yes yes  

  4. Religious zealots can be a pain sometimes. Put a sign on your door that tells them they are not welcome.

  5. That's the most absurd question I have read in a long time. Why should it be made illegal to try to convert you. You do not have to listen, say thanks and just walk away, is that so hard? What about advertisers, should it be made illegal for someone to try and convert me to their way of thinking so that I buy their brand of soap.Should it be made illegal for Ford to try to convert me from my Chevy to their products. You cannot make one conversion illegal and not those others that I have given as examples. I am fully aware that when people are telling you about their God, they never want to hear about yours, but I have always found these religious missionaries quite polite so it should not be hard to walk away from them. I was going to say that Jesus loves you, but in your case it will not have any effect, but have a lovely day anyway.

  6. yes i do, only my case was the exact opposite it was an atheist that would sit in the breakroom and belittle everyone Else's religion..and tell us ways in which we were stupid for believing..i just wanted to smack got old and it got old quick, i think unless someone asks you for an opinion on the matter if you do not know the persons religious beliefs its just off can offend people easily by not even meaning too and then there are people who do not care

  7. Here's an idea, print up atheist Chick style tracts to pass out. Ask where the proof is of Jesus being in America of Mormons. Why are Pentecosts the only group flopping on floors and speaking in tongues? What makes a cracker sacred to Catholics?  Where is the archaelogical evidence that Jesus even EXISTED?

    Most Christians aren't obnoxious though, can't say I have been disturbed by anyone proselytizing.

  8. Look at the premise of your question.  You are trying to force your belief that there is no God on everyone else by limiting their free speech.  I'm quite sure others find your view annoying, too.  But, you can't have it both ways.

    So, you can either let them speak and then tell them your side, or everybody has to be quiet.  

    The free exchange of ideas is always better than the "thought police".

    >>Given the choice, I would go for the free speech.<<

  9. Well, I won't come knocking at your door any more

  10. Of course not!!

    It is their right to free speech that allows them to ask you and your right to free speech to say no thanks.

    Nobody bestowed you with the additional right to only hear what you want to hear, a knitting needle through your inner ear would give that right to you but I think a better solution would be for you to attain some tolerance to hearing an opinion that does not match your own.

  11. I don't find it offensive at all.  I am free to also try to convince people that I am correct and that there is no god.  That is the beauty of the first amendment.  It protects all of us.  If you want to have the right to voice your opinions, you must also guard the rights of others.

  12. I will think about it. ^_^

  13. YES - YES - YES - YES. Anything to shut those religious zealots.  I have MORMONS visiting me every week telling me I am going to go to h**l.

  14. omfg YES YES YES

  15. you should live in my town.  nearly every sunday, we get bible bashers knocking down the door trying to get us to come to church.  We have stopped answering the door and now they leave their pamphelts on the k**b.  Anyone else would have to obtain a permit to solicit door to door.......why not these people?  I have had jo-ho's, christians, and even a pair of mormons knocking on my door.  (an extra special touch was when the jehovah's witnesses came on easter morning!)

  16. I wish it was against the law.

    What gives anyone the right to tell someone else that their BELIEFS are wrong?  It's not only insulting, it's nearly sickening.

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