
I really would love to go to europe with just my girlfriend for holidays but my spouse is not allowing it..?

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any ideas on how to make him let us go?




  1. if is asked my mom to answer this one she will say , he is your HUSBAND  you should listen to him . And sometimes i feel like chocking the heck out of her but deep down she is most of the time right . maybe it is the way she was raised , hence i was raised . so i would be pissed off but i will mostly stay home .

    but  holidays are supposed to be send in families , not friends if you are married ( especially if you have kids) . if holidays are boring with him there are many to spice things up and that is your job . good luck

  2. it sounds like he does not have any respect for you at all, or he has low self esteem or is your friend single or married  

  3. Depends on why he's against it.  I don't agree with spouses not "allowing" their partner to do something.  On the other hand tho, I have seen situations where one person was making unreasonable decisions that were harmful to the family and their spouse had to try to stop them.  Is it reasonable for you to take a trip to Europe?  Can you afford to go?  Can you take the time away from kids/work/etc?

    Or is it your girlfriends that he objects to?  Do you get in trouble when you normally go with them?  If so then I can see where he wouldn't want you spending a long holiday with them.  My husband used to work with a couple of guys and when he would go out with them they would end up at a strip club and stay out till 4-5am.  I would have been very upset if he had wanted to go on a long holiday with them.

    If he has no logical reason to object to you going I would tell him that he's not my father and he doesn't get to "allow" me to do things.  My husband and I never tell each other what to do.  We discuss thing and we give our opinions but ultimately we do what we decide is best.  I believe that's partly why we've made it 23 years.  

  4. since you have your own money, what is he going to do? hide your passport?

    go - you may not have the chance to again -

    it sounds like your husband is too controlling - having a break from him, may allow you to find your independence and courage to become your own person

  5. I'm not sure an "idea" will help convince a man like that. And it depends on his reasoning for not allowing you to go. Does he not trust you to be good? Or does he feel like he has to be with you on all your vacations. So it could be either a trust issue or a selfish issue...or something else I haven't considered. And this whole "not allowing it" thing is bad anyway. He's not your parent.  

  6. Hi, bella mia ! How are you ? Smack !

  7. Hate to answer your question with a question but what do you mean he's not "allowing" it? Do you mean he's the primary breadwinner and won't give you money for it? Or what?

    Maybe you should find out why he's not "allowing" it and address that issue first.

    Good luck.

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