
I realy liked a girl names brandie but im starting to think different && . . .?

by  |  earlier

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Well since i set eyes on this girl names brandie i really liked her. My favorite part about her is her eyes. Like ill be starring at her 24/7 in the classes we are together in. And in the hall way when i see her i just keep walking but keep looking at her and ill run into people and stuff lol but anyways. . . Ive really been wanting to know if she is bi or L*****n she kinda seems like she is but she also seems like she isn't and i listen to everything she says she tells me everything about her and her past life . . . But like today and yesterday i just didnt feel like its her anymore whenever i say something she will copy it meanly and then laugh and say just kidding. And she as just been doing little things that are mean to me but they arent realy anything theres just alot of little things . And she is doing a report on an olympian and me her and my friend madison we all sat next top each other in class today i asked to see the pictures she got from the person she is doing and then madison asked and she let madison see first and then like i started not laughing or smiling and i started on my work and then she asked me like 3 minutes wen madison gave it back "didnt you want to look at it?" and i just kinda was like no its fine... and turned away and she was like not smiling and looked disturbed and sad but like she has been doing that to me




  1. she know about you

  2. Girl get a life..getting with a girl isn't it seems she only sees you as a friend.

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