
I realy need to ask this question as i am a ittle confused?

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in the bible it says basically that murder is bad and people should not kill. and our law says murder is a crime,

but soldiers are fighting everyday and killing a lot of people all the time, yet its ike thats accepted. and the death sentence is killing people but thats ok. how is that ok?. murder is murder is it not, no matter who is doing the killing. so how come soldiers are allowed to kill, governments are allowed to kill, but if some woman kills her husband because she has had years of violence, or a woman kills the person who has sexually abused her, her whole life get sentenced to life then.

i dont get it. do you?




  1. because hypocrocy, politics and the law all come from the same family. look at alchohol and drugs. White collar crime and crimes associated with the so called lower class.

  2. Ok first and most importantly: the bible says "murder is wrong" but it also states that children who act out should be stoned to death.

    There are many points of view that have been tweaked through translations of the bible so parts of it you cant take at its full worth.

    Murder is wrong. Punishment isn't.

    In some religions it is ok to steal as long as you dont steal from your "tribe", but in the bible any stealing is strictly wrong even though every animal steals. Big animals steal from little ones. Its the cycle of life.

  3. well in the military its self defense, and you have to do something really bad and life ruining to someone to get on the death scentence.

  4. The death penalty is not murder. The person has committed a crime is being punished for it. The government isn't just mad at that person and decides that they should die. Most soldiers don't go into war with the agenda of just killing people. It usually happens as the result of an attack by the opposition. Kind of like if someone were to attack you and you fought back in self defense and that person ended up dying. That couldn't be classified as murder anyway, but it's sort of a comparison. If a woman is being abused, of course the best choice would be to get away from her abuser. I realize that can't always happen and she does end up murdering him (it's usually always a "him"). I don't look down on a woman in that situation, like the self defense comparison above.

  5. from a biblical perspective, i think the death penalty should be the wrong punishment, based on the "Those without sin cast the first stone" principle.

    nobody really has the right to take anyone's life, except in a circumstance where you had to shoot a man to stop him killing a kid or something.

  6. I have always figured: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, vengeance be mine thus said the Lord.

  7. It depends on the moral stance on which the person in charge stands and the general consensus of the nation that they govern. The death penalty in England was abolished in the 1960's yet- we still go to war and give lesser sentences to murderers (life in the UK means approx 25 years per offence). It always depends on those we vote for and it is important to take a personal stance on the murders/deaths/executions that you believe are right or wrong.    

  8. The soldiers fight becuase they fight in something they believe in

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