I rear ended someone but the only car that was damaged was mine, it wasent a hard hit my car is older and sometimes when you pull forward slowly it jumps and thats what it did. They were in a big van with one of those big spare tires on the back of it and it had some hand painted stuff on the cover of it. My car only hit that spare tire going like 2 miles an hour so the spare tire on the back of there van broke my headlight and made a small dent above the light, we both got out and he said oh it didnt do anything to my van your car is the only one damaged and said do you want to do anything cause I dont and I said ok and we got back in our cars, they pull out of the drive through parked and asked me to come over there and showed me that there was some paint scuffed off the cover I couldnt see what he was talking about he wanted me to pay for the cover and i said youll have to talk to my husband and gave him the cell number. what should I do theres no info exchanged and he wants