
I rear-ended someone today. What is next?

by  |  earlier

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Totally my fault, I seen the light was red started to stop, then realized that the dvd I was taking back to the video store might not be in the case. So I looked into the case as I was stopping, and ended up rear-ending the person in front of me. I was going about 15mph. No airbag deployment or anything. I got out to see if the driver was ok, and how much damage to the cars. I say I am sorry. The guy then begins to say his, and his wife's necks hurt. I then look at both cars. My front bumper was a little cracked, and the truck's bumper was bent down. Nothing too major that I could tell. I told the guy I wasn't really going that fast when I hit him. He then started to tell me he is going to sue me for $40,000. I tell him what ever. Then wait for the cops. When they get there, I am given a ticket for following too closely, which is totally deserved. When I got home I called my insurance company, and gave them the info. My question is what happens next. Can he really sue me?




  1. Oh yes and good, at the end of the day you will see that the CD you were returning was not important at all.   Maybe you should concider walking if CD's are more important to you than watching the road.

  2. Not to worry your insurance company will handle it from here. The other peoples attorneys will get with your ins, co, attorneys and the will battle it out. How ever those other people will have to prove they are hurt . your ins. co. wont just fork over the money. But that's why you pay premiums.

  3. I am pretty sure the only way he can sue you is if you didn't have insurance at the time. But you didn't mention it so I assume you did because the cop didn't cite you...or you didn't mention that lol.

    In my fender bender a few years ago (I had insurance) and after a few weeks of them taking statements from everyone over the phone (they are recorded) they ended up paying the lady 4000 bucks to fix the end of her car. Luckily we had accident forgiveness so my rates didn't go up.

    Your rates will probably go up....but I don't see how he can sue you for that because insurance provides medical too. And I'm sure the insurance companies check for fraud about injuries cause honestly, they don't want to pay anymore out than they have to.

  4. Aside form hitting him, You did everything right.  Yes, he can sue you but that is what you have insurance for.  They will defend you (and their own pocketbook) with their many lawyers.  Don't worry about it, just let your insurance handle everything.  He may have been angy when you rear ended him and said things he may not carry through on.  I'm sure you already know this but do not talk to him or his insurance company.  Refer them to your Insurance company.

  5. Yes he can sue you, not for 40,000 dollars, he could try, but the court would just laugh. He could sue you for the bumper and since he is claiming he is injured he could sue for injuries too, but that wouldn't hold up in court without a doctor's examination and x rays.

  6. In this great country of ours, the Land of the Laywer, anyone can sue anyone at any time for anything, provided a lawyer is willing to take the case.  You might be sued, but the insurance company will provide you with a lawyer and fight to make sure this loser and his wife don't try to get more than they deserve.

  7. Never admit fault even if you are at fault. This guy sounds like one of the thousands of money-hungry, sue-happy, greedy so and so's that can't wait to "win the lottery" by having someone hit them. Let your insurance handle this clown. They can rant about taking you to court but hopefully, the truth will come out and they will get only what they deserve. ADDED^^^^   If they refused an ambulance and admitted they have a previous injury they just killed any shred of a chance of a big payday from your insurance.

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